(no subject)

Apr 21, 2005 20:08

1)Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought: Prom tickets, LeBeaus workout, bucket of golfballs, another bucket

2)Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink: water, crystal lite, iced tea, sprite

3)Last time you Cried: December

4)What's In Your CD Player? the better question wold be do I have a cd player that works

5)What's Under Your Bed? childish toys, gradeschool projects and crap, a lot of dust and feathers

6)What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 6:40

7)Current Hair? brown, short, spikey in the front

8)Current Clothes? AE jeans, AE polo

9)Current Desktop Picture? Orange solstice (aka my car someday)

10)Current Worry? Jr. year

11)Current Hate? essays and Jr. year

12)Favorite Place To Be? taking a nap in my bed with Erica

13)Least Favorite Place? Mrs. Martines class because of her

14)If You Could Play An Instrument? I play flute. Another would be sax or violin. Or base flute.

15)Favorite Colors? blue, silver

16)How Tall Are You? 6'0

17)Favorite __expression? trip and go to hell

18)One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk to: either of my grandfathers

19)Favorite Day(s)? Friday

20)Where Would You Like To Go? Hawaii,Japan,France,California

21)Where do you want to live when you get married? America

22)Favorite food? pizza, BBQ chicken pizza

23)Color of most clothes you own? red, white

24)Number of pillows you sleep with? two

25)What do you wear when you go to sleep? Boxers.

26)What were you doing 12AM last night? staring at the ceiling trying to sleep

27)How old will you be in 10 yrs? 27

28)What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? getting out of college/finding a job in Medical R&D

29)Do you have braces? I'm all natural baby ;)

30)Are you paranoid? no

31) Burn or tan? tan like crazy

32)What is the brand of your wallet?: Faded Glory but who cares?

33)First piercing/tattoo: (in a few years) Upper ear, toung,/black crosses on the outside of each shoulder

35)Last person you yelled at? my mom

36)Last crush? donno

38)If you could be a pirate, would you? no they dont take enough showers

39) Last time you had sex? wouldn't you like to know

40) If you could be with one person right now who would it be? Erica or my brother
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