today is the proper culmination of the week. Which sucked.
I forgot about a presentation I had to do Tuesday night... had to scramble to get it done tuesday afternoon. Yay. I got it done.
Wednesday I got an email from club sports federation saying we'd missed the meeting on tuesday night (I have to be in two places at once sometimes). Fuckers. Lucky for me my dad was in the hospital that night, so I had a legitimate excuse. He's mostly okay now. Severe, organ-damaging dehydration. Long story.
So yeah, that all sucked.
The rest of Wednesday I spent dealing with fallout from my dad's visit to the hospital. Homework pileups and missed meetings etc. Thursday I did more of the same, went to class where the professor decided to tell us all that we were a bunch of idiots and offered to dumb down his questions for us. Really motivating... "OH you think I'm stupid, I think I'll pipe up and substantiate your theory RIGHT NOW." Fucker.
Oh and speaking of Fuckers on Thursday... the bus driver took every turn like he was driving a sports car, it threw me out of the seat the first time. No exaggeration - peeling rubber and all. Maybe in the right frame of mind (that of a 5 year old boy) that would be cool. It was not cool at too-damn-early o'clock. Then, he dropped me off in the mud. Then, he didn't wait until I had cleared the doors before closing them. THEN he pulled forward to the clear, dry pavement and waited for someone who was waiting to get on. Maybe he was offended that I gasped "Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!" while trying to save my bookbag from colliding with the floor while I slid two seats over....
Back to Fucker #2. Why the hell would you assume that a classfull of students who don't have degrees in computer science are going to be able to grasp the CS research you've been slogging through the past ten years or so? I dunno... I've had rigorous classes and I like to whine about them, but I don't respond very well to flat-out abuse. Even if we're not performing as well as he would like (Obviously) doesn't give him the right to be such a dick about it. Anyway...I feel stupid and inadequate. I feel like a total loser. And I have to keep reminding myself of all the people who have said otherwise. And my favorite professor who said "if you feel bruised, the feedback was bad." I feel like I've had my head thrown in a vice and my brains crushed out of my skull.... there might be bruising.
So I go do an assignment after that, print my readings, then take my sorry busted ass to the gym for some stress relief. I had to drop it back two notches...I was beat.
Then I went home, had leftover pasta, complained about my day to my roommate... went to bed.
This morning... (You can stop reading any time)
There was a message from club sports for me on the answering machine. I'd missed the BIG allocations meeting. I saw that coming, actually, because there was a reminder that went out Wednesday, about the allocations meeting that was to occur in five minutes. Apparently there was one Thursday too. 6-hour meetings where we have to go over everyone's submitted paperwork and decide how much of the funds they've requested they deserve. Truly uplifting process...let me tell you. Fuckers.
So two meetings in one week missed, one of them critical. Yeah.... I should remind all those sorry bitches that I'm NOT technically a representative. Except that means that CSF should probably count three absences against us...and i'm disinclined to clue them in. So I sent an email back to them in which I casually extended my dad's hospital stay to include "in and out this week" and attributed it to "heart related medical problems" technically all true. And the only way to fight senseless bureaucracy is with more stupid bureacratic bullshit.
So after a week of "you suck you suck you suck you're lazy and stupid and dumb etc." on top of my dad's heart-related medical problems, my most immediate response is "kiss my ass, eat shit and fuck off, fuckers."
And so it is. And I'm starving.
rant rant rant