Nov 24, 2006 20:57
Jada was alive. That made me feel a little bit of the good, which was so hard at this point, but after seeing her for five minutes, while I was still glad that she was alive, I was still numb. Willow’s death had changed me. It reminded me of Buffy’s death, except that now, I knew that there would be no getting her back. She had died a human death, killed by demons, but it had been a human death. I had been tempted to ask Giles about a spell, but the only person with the power to perform that spell was the deceased best friend of my life in question.
All of those slayers killed as well, and even though Buffy had survived and Dawn was okay, it would never be the same. The months of hard work that Giles, myself, Robin and Andrew had put in, was gone and Robin was too. Still, I wanted to see the bodies. Off of the plane, Melissa and I had run into Jada and a black guy named Gunn and Connor, the son of Angel. I couldn’t hold in my detest for him, especially now, though I was the only one there that had those feelings, which I didn’t understand. Angel started this, slayers were dead, and it was his fault. Not entirely, of course, but it was still his fault, regardless of how you sliced it. Still, my opinion was the minority opinion, and I insisted on making sure to get the bodies of all of the girls off of the streets.
We got to Angel’s hotel and the girls were already gone. Faith told me that she had Giles get choppers there to collect the bodies. Faith was here, Melissa and Jada were here, but Buffy wasn’t. I resisted punching Angel, and asked Faith where Buffy was and of course, she was off with Spike, who was like a notch in the food chain ahead of Angel, if that, at this point. This was so irritating. I wanted to punch Angel, which would probably get me hurt and I wanted to ask Faith why the hell she had come here, but that would definitely get me hurt…so I did the next best thing that I could, while filled with this hate of Angel, and sadness. I wanted to see a pretty and familiar face, who would take my side, and since I didn’t see her, I had to ask Faith about her too. Faith told me that Dawn was upstairs, sleeping. Poor thing was probably in shock about Willow, Robin and the girls and I rushed away, knowing that she would see things the way that I did. She would hate Angel because Willow was gone.
I looked into rooms. There were so many of them, but eventually, I opened the right door and found her sleeping, lightly. She rolled over and for a minute, I just watched her.
I let her wrap her eyes around me. On a night like this, I didn’t want to come rushing to her. Besides, though I was happy to see her, I had a bone to pick with her too.
When she was ready, I moved closer and sat at the edge of the bed. “Dawn, beating Andrew up…that was fine, but why did you come over here? Buffy and Faith should never have come and you definitely shouldn’t have…”
I knew the answer. She didn’t want Buffy to be in danger and not be there beside her. This was a blame game for me. There was no other choice with twenty-seven dead slayers and my best friend dead. Angel got top billing, but to me, Buffy and Faith were every bit as at fault as that stupid plan was for attacking the demons once they got here. I just didn’t want to start the conversation with her like that.