Title: Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise (8/8)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Brittany/Santana; Artie/Tina
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count (this part): 10,330
Word Count (total): 59,986
Description: Rachel's answer to Quinn's melancholia is to take her on a summer road trip with the gleeks.
Note: The characters
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"Feckless cats' pajamas scintillate scorpions." -- LOL!
Ooh Rachel has a plan. Fantastic, I love her plans. Laughs at them ending up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. Laughs hilariously at Rachel's tyrannical slavedriving making them eat in janitor's closets! Laughs at the thought of Mike being a ninja. OMG looks like Quinn had the same idea. *wipes tears from eyes* I can't believe you made me cry again. Haha Quinn doing her Spy vs Spy thing again. And you made me cry again with Quinn's speech. Sheesh. Ahahahaha Rachel's "What?!" to no sex is so funny! Gotcha! These two are so adorable.
Haha I'm gonna have to agree with Mike that Miss Congeniality is vastly superior to Two Weeks Notice. Laughs at Puck's distress! I really love your Puck. Then I laughed at his bet haha!
I love this fic so much! *wipes more tears away* I'd give you a virtual award if I had artistic skills. Please write more. Soon. *hugs*
Miss Congeniality IS superior to Two Weeks' Notice. I sympathize with Mike's anger.
Thank you so much for reading this whole thing and providing the running feedback. It's been awesome.
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