Title: Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise (5/8)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Rachel/Finn
Rating: Finally NC-17. High-five!
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 7,410
Description: Rachel's answer to Quinn's melancholia is to take her on a summer road trip with the gleeks.
Note: The characters are fake, but the places are real
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2) Spy vs. Spy is kinda hilarious. I like how Rachel thought she was being super sneaky and Quinn just totally one-upped her.
3) Puck still being Puck but trying hard to be a good guy. You do a really good job at showing a hint of the kind of guy Puck could grow to be someday and I could totally see it happening. You're totally right though, when he's not quite that guy yet, and he's still gonna be the drinking, chewing, womanizing bastard sometimes.
4) Turning off the phone. Oh Finn, if you would've just gotten your head out of your ass you could've had Rachel so much sooner. You deserve to get shut down, at least for a little while. (I know he's not out of the picture yet)
5) Seeing places I know in your story, lol. My best friend goes to college in Durango, and it was really amusing to see it make it in.
Five seems like a good place to stop right? Hey, five points for part five! I like it when things just work out like that.
LOVING your story. This was an awesome update. :)
Anyway, haha, I'm glad I could help accomplish your mission, Captain. *Salute*
Why, yes, I AM a nerd with too much time on my hands.
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