Title: Futures (A Cold Night For A Lifetime)
Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairings: Sarah/Derek, John/Cameron, John/Other
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season 1
Description: Let's assume the best-case scenario for the gang: they destroy Skynet and live happily ever after. This is one version of their "happily ever after".
They had fought hard for their lives. Now all they had to do was live it. )
Comments 20
Awesome job. And heh. Derek as a shoe salesman. :P
that was incredible. I loved it. The ending was powerful, i loved the quibs about Johns masochistic streak, Derek sneaking out of Sarah's room. You got characterization spot on :)
Very well done.
Hey, nobody ever said that saving the world was an easy job.
Sarah is a psychiatric nurse. Derek owns a shoe store. They visit the mall on the weekends.
God, imaginging them like that makes my ass twitch. (In a good way, damn I love this, but still ..) It's like seeing a lion in some rickety little cage in a rundown zoo. Sad. Very sad. But weirdly appealing too. Because it's safer.
Kate's never met her, but she lies awake at night wondering about her. She wonders what it is that John does with her on these visits. She's always too afraid to ask.
I wasn't crazy about the third movie and honestly, I don't remember much about Kate, but this is such an appealing character study for John. That he finally has this mostly normal life with a wife and kids. His wife knows and she still loves him and he's finally safeguarded humanity, but in the process has managed to fuck up his own life.
Without Skynet, without an enemy to rally against, without a place to direct his teenage anger, Derek Reese faltered and got mixed up with the wrong people. Derek reads about ( ... )
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