Feb 22, 2011 13:51
Oh man, I feel awful today.
There is somthing going around and I definitely have it... which is really not good this week. I have a jam packed week with way too much to do to deal with being sick. I have a Willard case due and a Radiology exam. Then I have a small animal medicine exam with Willard questions on Monday.
I cannot stop yawning in class today and it's mostly an attempt to equalize the pressure in my head. My nose is stuffy, my ears are stuffy, I feel like my head is thick. My throat is sore and there are visible pustules on the back of my throat. I have a low grade fever (somewehre between 99.0 and 99.5.) I was going to start some antibiotics I have at lunch time, but I left them at home so I'm going to start them with dinner. (My doctor gave me a full course of antibiotics to use when I needed them.)