::Things sure were lonely inside the train now that Howl had left. Molly hadn't grown particularly close to him, but it had been nice to have someone to share the room with. It had almost been like having a small reminder of how it was back at home. As in, there was always someone there to look out for her. Releasing a sigh, she dug around her room
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Odd, odd... It seems like... In this world, fire can only be created through striking one up with these 'match' things, or using...
::He trails off, slowly noticing Molly::
... Oh. Hello.
...Who're you?
::Dumps his bag on a bed which seems unused::
... This bed is free, correct?
But I don't think you can just take it for yourself like that.
I was told that I'm being moved into this room... My last roommate left the train, you see.
::Unzips the bag he's brought with him, and picks out a book of languages, beginning to peruse through::
Why am I always stuck with adults as roommates here?
After all, it'd be a shame for you to not take this chance for education.
::Shutting the book again, Lezard looks bored for a moment, before pulling another book from his bag- a thick, leather-bound spellbook. Opening to a random page, a smile flashes onto his face as he reminds himself of enchantments he's forgotten::
You're a teacher, aren't you!?
::Resting his cheek on one hand, he glances at Molly::
Though, that boy was a dull one. Always unable to find me the correct teas, and his manners were rather atrocious.
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