(no subject)

Jan 17, 2006 13:47

Do you party a lot? How often?: yes about once a week maybe twice if lucky
Do you use drugs for recreational purposes?: yes
The Goth Stereo Type
Black lipstick?: sometimes
Black eyeliner?: yes
Black eyeshadow?: yes
Black trenchcoat?: no
Black boots?: yes
Black fishnets?: hell yes
Black nail polish?: yes
Cigarettes?: yes
Heavy metal music?: yes
Marilyn Manson?: is god
Kittie?: yesums
Cradle of Filth?: very good
Constant frown and perpetual angst?: once in awhile
Do you like to be seen as: someone who dont give a fuck is someone dont like me
Are you an intellectual?: when i want to be
An atheist?: somewhat
Horrible home life?: what home?
Hopelessly depressed?: sometimes
Suffering with suicidal idealations?: me? never...grins
Self-mutilation?: not anymore
The Punk Stereotype
Plaid?: no
Big black boots?: no
Mohawk?: no
Excessive piercings? [Especially facial]: yes
Loud, confident and opinionated?: always
Wild hair colors?: all the time
NOFX?: no
Rancid?: no
Well versed on political scandals and outrages?: Nope
The Jock Sterotype
What's your IQ?: dont know
Do you watch a lot of sports?: nope
Play a lot of sports?: no
Talk a lot about sports?: no
Do you do anything, really, but think about sports?: no
Are you arrogant?: no
Are you a male or female whore?: no
Are you homophobic?: Never
Do you tease other people a lot because you want to seem confident?: no
But really you're a quivering mass of insecurity?: nope
Boobs = yes?: that gene skipped me
Parties = yes?:love them with the right people
Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = yes?: didnt drop out but i'm flippin those burgers
The Girl Stereotype
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: no
Have you ever been on a diet?: yeah and gave up when i realized i dont care what i look like
How much did you lose?: 30lbs
Was it not so much a diet as it was an eating disorder?: no
Make yourself throw up?: use to
Make-up?: yes
Low-cut tops?: only when i go to city club
How big are your boobies? [Cup size]:B
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?:no
Giggle a lot?: only when i'm drunk
What's the deal with boys?: cum buckets
Thongs?: sometimes
Pretty bras?: not at the moment but i'm getting some
YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al?: none
This or That
Originality or Acceptance?: originality
Independence or Companionship?: independance
Stability or Freedom?: freedom
Personal or Interpersonal?: personal
Introvert or Extrovert?: introvert
Popularity or Isolation?: isolation
Unique or Loved?: unique
Understood or Individual?: individual
You or Them?: them
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