Jan 05, 2013 21:56
When it comes to the internal fight, it is important to recognize all the roles.
Father. Son. Spirit.
The father is of the mind. Wisdom, reason, understanding. The mind must lead, confidently, reassuringly, courageously. If the mind fails--rather if the father fails-- to lead; the boy will run amok.
The Son is of the heart. Passion, faith, dreams. The boy is sensitive and must be looked after by the father. When left alone, he is easily discouraged, continually getting into trouble, and constantly getting hurt.
The spirit is of everything else. A liaison between the two. A constant and quiet helper. Ever encouraging the Father to lead the boy well; strongly, but sensitively as not to damage as the boy is soft. Likewise, the spirit encourages the boy, and reminds him to listen to his father, follow his lead, and trust in his wisdom.
When all roles are functioning as the should be; there is peace. Internally. The mind confidently, and sensitively helps the heart along. The heart trusts the mind and is not hurt, but continues to be passionate and inspires the mind to great deeds. The two feed off each other and character is created. The spirit, ever-present, reassures both heart and mind, when in their peaceful state can clearly hear that which the soul desires and directs for both of them.
But sometimes, all is not well on the inside.
Circumstances can lead to the boy getting hurt. In all the pain, he stops trusting the father and the two are now at odds with each other. The boy now crying uncontrollably, the father raising his voice to be heard. All the noise will drown out the spirit, whom by his very nature is nothing but a quiet individual. The shouting, the crying, the noise... the soul is soon forgotten.
Without the spirit, and in pain, the boy no longer trusts. Without the spirit, discouraged, the mind jumps to reason, and ceases to be sensitive. These deficiencies promote the internal turmoil, reject peace, promote noise, and drown out the soul.
The fight is on.
Internally. Pain. Distrust. An indiscernible spirit.
My boy hurt himself again. Hurt us, rather. He had been doing pretty good recently, I wasn't so worried about him like I used to be.Tired, I closed my eyes for a bit. Some rest. I trained him well over the last few years and progress has been made with the spirits help. I certainly didn't plan to let him run free. And he didn't. It could have been worse. I was simply tired. Tired of seeing him caged. Tired of telling him no. Tired of keeping him inside where he doesn't belong. Brave little fucker, he always wants to go outside and play. Reluctantly, I turned my head and let him do his thing.
He is upset she dismissed us so quickly. I ran out of answers for him. I knew she wouldn't respond positively, but even I was surprised at the lack of heart in her response. The boy is hurt by this, he is sensitive after all, and thinks it is his fault. I try to reassure him with only some effectiveness, as don't know what to tell him. We don't know where she's coming from after all. He wants to ask her, but I won't let him. The lack of heart in her response can only mean that her heart and mind aren't quite communicating so well either. A common condition. For whatever reason, her mind took over and didn't allow her heart to get involved. Kept it hidden. Caged.
And he got hurt. With all I have taught him, I think he was expecting it to some degree. But pain is pain, and it still hurt him. He cried some. I guess he always will. He's not too bad off, just doesn't understand fully the complexities of these situations. We get along well enough these days that he came right back to me for answers. I helped dry his tears and we both tried to calm ourselves enough to hear what the spirit might have to say in a moment like this.
My heart looks at me, teary eyed, with the best of intentions and suggests that maybe shes just as as tired as I have been. Maybe her heart is caged. Just like mine.
The boy dries his tears and soon becomes angry. I try to calm him down. Careful not to trouble the soul. We'll need the spirit around. If me and my heart are going to communicate well, I must not allow such internal anarchy to disrupt the spirit. We must both be calm and listen for what our soul knows that we do not.
I take the boys hand, and we wait.