Jun 16, 2011 22:41
When performing surgery on oneself, it is best to remain relaxed. Doing this without the aid Of outside stimulus is most beneficial, not to mention the safety concerns.
Alcohol will thin the blood and slow the hert rate. Just incase your hand slips, which given the amount of pain you will experience, this will be likely. Chances of slippage increase if it is your first time.
Pain killers run the risk of numbing yourself up too much, helping you get carried away and possibly removing extra parts you might have intended to keep otherwise. Self surgery must be highly intentional and motivated. You will want to be fully present and not take away from the experience in anyway.
A good night sleep and a decent meal a few hours before hand are imperative. Due to the amount of blood you are sure to loose, you must treat it like a donation and keep your sugars up. You don't want to pass out in the middle of the procedure now do you?
As stated, it is most beneficial to remain relaxed. Zen. Centered. At peace with God. Excitement will not help you at a time like this. Focus is key. Turn off the television. Music is acceptable but classical only and not too loud. If the goal is to remove a tumor - or just a suspected tumor/abnormal growth- it helps to give it a name. Preferably a name familiar to you that will help you stay motivated to get it out of your body. An ex girlfriend. A childhood bully. Your father. All common motivating identifiers.
If the goal of the surgery is to make a repair, such as screws, pins, plates, or arteries gone awry; you may want to use the nickname you gave your first automobile. Something you were used to fixing over and over again. Memories of finally getting that POS 77 Galaxy to turn over at 2 am after three days of frustration, and shouting " it's alive IT'S ALIVE" will most certainly give you the emotional goal to work for.
Where most rookies make their mistake is to stop and ask for help once they have gotten started. There is more pain than expected. More blood perhaps. The flesh doesn't cut quite as easily as it looked like it might on television. Again, all common happenings.
Keep calm. Carry on.
Time is of the essence, and one must be cognizant of the fact that once your goal has been accomplished; the tumor removed, the bone reset, or the demon exercised, the game is only half over. You must save enough fuel in your tank to stitch yourself back together. For sure this is where many have failed in the past. Beautiful job on the first half, but sloppy sew up job or none at all and they bleed out after they have gone unconscious.
Failure to to adhere to these simple guidelines might cost you dearly. Physical ailments are just a matter of mechanics and simple to fix. Being mentally prepared, and strong enough to box it out is essential, difficult and extremely possible. Problems beyond the physical realm, however, might require more drastic measures.
Any injury that is not physical can be extremely difficult to diagnose, treat and cure. Self Surgery may not be the answer as trauma outside the physical area will affect you in mental, emotional and spiritual ways, thus making you unfit to be your own... Eh hem: physician. The kind of strength needed, the kind of self awareness, the amount of presence you will need is indeed hindered by that which you are looking to alleviate. It is the advice of this body to advise against trying to fix any non physical problems on your own, and should additionally seek the advice of a knowledgable professional.
Good luck, and may your scalpel be steady.