always somethin there to remind me.

Sep 23, 2004 14:03

at college library. Doing useless things. belly's happy.
Almost died today in detroit while on my way to the Federal Building. I stopped at the stop sign...and "thought" it was okay to go...sure wasn't. onto Main car...screeching breaks...heart attack. I suck.

E-N told me that I should introduce myself to random people on campus...all formal-like. for giggles. SOmething along the lines of "Hi. I'm Anna Bitzinger and I'm a part of your campus and I attend wayne state university too. The classes I have this year are...(enter sched.) and..." on & on & on. It's rather humorous and I"m almost tempted to do it. It'd bring my pitiuary gland to an ultimate high. all that adrenaline. Plus, I need conversation.

I talk to some people in classes. Mostly nice quiet easy people.
Today I sat at lunch with a group of african=american folk, who decided to randomly join me at my once-empty table. THey then continued to state the hot-topics of the day/week. One included "Juan gettin' shot" and other criminally dense situations. I had to stifle laughs. gah. the stereotypes.

My black professor in Psychology today, compared the axon of a neuron to that of a Penis and it's orgasm.
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