Because apparently I am an oak tree.

Sep 08, 2010 22:02

Back to the asylum prison hell school.

First day of my last year, and I can't help but think of the phrase "the beginning of the end." Ominous of me, I suppose, but still.

It's a new Upper School uniform for the girls in my year, so we were all tugging at shirt hems self-consciously and making loud, overly self-deprecating comments about your general appearance. The smallest size of regulation black sweater was still too big in the sleeves for me, so I've already developed a habit where I pull the edges of said sleeves over my hands. Everybody appears to have grown at least a little over the past six weeks whilst I, alas, have remained the same height, and as such I am beginning to be treated as a pet - guys and girls ruffling my hair, patting me on the head, and suchlike. It is very hard to be taken seriously when this happens, I'm afraid, and rather squashing to one's dignity.

A particularly lovely young lady companion of mine called Gabby came to find me especially so she could gift me a necklace in a tiny red velvet bag. It has a gold shiny chain with a pretty milky stone in the pendant, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Ish so pretty O.o

My beloved history teacher is now also my form tutor, and I really adore her - as in, if she was walking down the street, I would throw myself down so she could walk over me - so that's all fine and dandy.

And then - we had the generic Beginning of the Year assembly, manufactured to send students into a silent bored docility, with its typical messages of New Year, New Start and It's Never Too Late To Change And Turn Over a New Leaf . The message of this assembly was rife with plant imagery: we had been acorns, then saplings, and now, as Upper School students, we are flourishing into whopping great oak trees. Cue suppressed laughter from me and general noiseless merriment courtesy of my dear friend Hannah.

Presentation: 'Instead of being content with merely becoming shinier, fatter acorns -

And then, we trooped along to History with my lovely teacher. It was a rather gloomy lesson if I'm honest. This year's History GCSE results were extremely bad, with us all dropping grades dramatically in both our year and the previous Year Eleven - they've actually sent out a sample of our papers to the examining board appealing for a remark. As I mentioned in previous entries, I got a B, and I intend to resit this next year. Not because there is anything wrong with a B, but because I personally feel I could do so much better. Anyway, the entire class rallied around our teacher, repeatedly telling her that it wasn't her teaching methods and she mustn't blame herself, there was either an issue with the marking or we'd all messed up on a paper with what everyone admitted were rather obscure questions. And so, we forced an air of grim cheerfulness. I mean, for God's sake, we're British. If we can't manage that whole stiff-upper-lip business, there's something wrong and English society as we know it is surely crumbling. On the bright side, we're about to start studying the Red Scare in America, which I find really interesting - you can tell I've read The Crucible by Arthur Miller, right? XD

On to Geography, which was a much more cheery lesson, even though we've started work straight away on a massive controlled assessment piece which is worth a hefty percentage of our grade. My A grade was confirmed by my teacher, and all was well.

Lunchtime which was generally amusing, even if the sun was horribly merciless on us in our black sweaters and prison shirts O.O

English last, and I received an update on my coursework grades. I got full marks on my Shakespeare essay and my Media/Advertisdi piece. I'm so happy, eep! Because my English teacher is a harsh but fair marker, so her praise means quite a bit to me, seeing as it isn't lightly given, and it's once in an aqua moon that she gives full marks for one piece, let alone two. So yeah, that made me smile ^^ We're about to start another coursework piece - an autobiography - for Personal Writing. I've had the idea that I'm going to tell my life using books and stories as reference points - e.g. Alice in Wonderland for a time in my life when I've felt like the whole world was going mad. I don't think I'm making any sense here, but I hope it will turn out quite good.

Oh - last night I finished the book I was reading to battle insomnia, only to discover my most favourite character sheds his mortal coil and firmly bites the dust - and on the second to last page, no less D:

Anyway, I'm off to sleep now, dears, so goodnight and sparkly hearts for you all!


exams, prisoner 24601, writing, school, geography, grades, gcse, life, books, history

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