confessions of a dole cheat.

May 09, 2008 15:02

i just went to centrelink to hand in my forms for youth allowance, and i gotta say, in hoodie and dickies i felt a bit overdressed.
even though i've been there in the past i wasn't really clear on how the whole centrelink thing works, suffice to say showering before hand to appear honest and trustworthy was not at all necessary, if anything it probably gave the impression i don't need the money (as i can afford la-dee-da soaps and whatnot"

whats more the entirety of the other degenerates who were queueing with me seemed to fit into at least one of two groups; those who were ripe to appear on A Current Affair in a story about any kind of rorter, and a second, sometimes overlapping, set who seemed to have shot heroin before or during their wait there in order to deal with the monotony.

there were numerous children/urchins around and i played a game of picking which belonged to which parents (although parenting didn't seem to be on anyones agenda) in the end i had a surplus of children i found unassignable, and reasoned that they probably lived (or were at least born) there. they busied themselves with playing on the job search computers and generally screeching like wounded harpies.

on the way out a mother assured her spawn they'd "storp at maccas on the way home and get youse a cone"
i'm assuming maccas refers to the restaurant and not one of their many 'uncles'.
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