I just photographed my entire WWE DVD collection cos I got bored. I have WAY more DVDs then I thought I did o_O It took 6 pictures to get them all xD
I have 46 DVDs now :D I was expecting it to be way less. I bought 3 more last week (John Cena: Word Life, Summerslam 2005 & Survivor Series 2003), my collection grows all the time.
Last time I posted my WWE collection was June last year or something. I had like 10 DVDs xD
Under the cut, k?
First, a photo of my whole collection...
It took up the whole empty part of my floor o_O I almost didn't fit them all in xD LOL you can see my shoes on the floor and a Jessica Simpson CD and my PS2 on the right side xD :D
Wrestlemania & Royal Rumbles ^_^
I have Wrestlemania 21, 22, 23 and 24 on the top row from left to right.
And Royal Rumbles 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 on the second row xD
Judgments Days & Armageddons
There's Judgment Day 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 on the top row.
And Armageddons 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 on the second row!
Oh, look another Judgment Day & Armageddon xD Also some New Years Revolutions and No Mercys
Judgment Day 2007 and Armageddon 2006 alongside New Years Revolution 2007 and 2006 (oops around the wrong way xD) on the top row
Second row is No Mercy 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005
Unforgivens, No Way Out, Vengeance, One Night Stand & The Great American Bash!
Top row is Unforgiven 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005.
Bottom row is No Way Out 2005, Vengeance 2005, One Night Stand 2007 and Great American Bash 2005
Hmm Backlashes, Cyber Sunday, Survivor Series, Summerslams & Insurrextion :D
Top row is Backlash 2005, Backlash 2007, Cyber Sunday 2007 & Survivor Series 2003
Bottom row is Summerslam 2005, Summerslam 2007 and Insurrextion.
Nope, we're STILL not done xD
Guess who my favourite superstars are xD
We have Raw 15th Anniversary, New & Improved DX (bought from Australia <3, cos it's not available in NZ), Shawn Michaels: Boyhood Dream, Shawn Michaels: From The Vault, Shawn Michaels: Heartbreak & Triumph, John Cena: Word Life & John Cena: My Life.
Oh, what the hell... have a pic of my PS2 games too xD
I think this is all the WWE games released for the PS2 up to this date. Here Comes The Pain doesn't work though, it freezes when you select season mode >_> I find Shut Your Mouth incredibly hard (I'm playing as Chris Jericho and I suck lol) and I haven't gotten around to playing the original SDvsRaw yet xD I like the 06, 07 and 08 games though ^_^ The 07 one was my first one.
And this is my WWE bedspread. Hehehe it's so awesome. It's like sleeping with the superstars... except JBL's logo is on it and ew no thank you flabby xD
I was going to take pictures of the rest of my stuff (yeah I'm not done yet...), including my SD/ECW exclusive NZ/Australia tour programme (so pretty <3), but my camera died again. Bah. It might start working again, so there might be an edit to this.
I spend most of my money on WWE stuff, it's like an addiction ;_; I can't stop buying DVDs xD
LOL and the reason I have so many No Mercys, Armageddons, Unforgivens and Judgment Days is because they sell them in box sets of 4 over here and I have FOUR of the box sets xD
(I posted this to my LJ too, so sorry people on my flist who see it twice xD)