bib graves

Oct 16, 2003 20:36

i'm in this dull plain white room, which reminds me of a box, with a bunch of brand new computers..
ah the money they waste everywhere else besides the art department...
we really need new shit...seriously...pisses me off
len is trying to figure out how to print his homework off b/c he procrastinates. he has a test in math either monday or wednesday and hasnt even started his homework...i hope he passes...or at least drops the class. i had the same teacher and she is soooo boring...he also has a biology paper due tomorrow due in his lab class and his lecture class.. hasnt started on that one either....

i have a sculpture due next thursday and it hasnt even taken it's shape yet...
it's supposed to be ice cream, but looks nothing like it right now. I CANNOT PROCRASTINATE THIS WEEKEND!!! EVEN THOUGH I HAVE SO MUCH SHIT I'M GONNA BE DOING!!!
lets see...
*FRIDAY- texas chainsaw massacre with megan michael len and craig (and maybe some others)
*SATURDAY- 1213 with megan michael and len
*SUNDAY- hmm nothing?

---things that must be accomplished by next week---
ice crem sculpture
some of my english research paper (brainstorm)
...thats about all i can think of....

it's about time for me to go..
this room is giving me a headache...
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