too tired to draw after office training, can't work on my fancomics orzz....
this song really has maximum level of difficulty +....+
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too many coincidental pinky colors warned
for those who can't watch it in YT here...
I rode a train alone, it was a new experience~ but now I always ride it everyday and somewhat a melancholy feeling
oh, and yesterday it was my first time to ride on the wrong ride, it was very very refreshing, Mr. Unknown Drivers helped me get a ride to the right place, I Thank You dear kind Mr. Drivers! m(_ _)m was fun getting lost alone the first time though >w>''
Oh, and read this!! >W< in the office I'm training in, dearest Big Brothers there reads BL manga(well,oneofthem&watchestookyaaaaa~) they're open to our odd*ornot hobbies~ hehe >''u''< and sometimes.....sometimes many sometimes they make me go gagagagagagaga when they teases each other and all I can do is grin*maliciously wieeeee~gaaaaaaahhhhhasdfghjkl; there's eyecandy treats everyday there! >''u''<
the office I'm training in is animation, I'm currently learning basic animation-kinda torturous-orzzzz1strokerule I think its a partner company of TOEI? onepiece/spookyKitaro? I wanna go to TOEI office~ they said they have many toys there fufufu~