so happy~
I found me, a newly highly addictive hobby
I should have tried this sooner if it would be this fun <3
I just spent two whole weeks making videos
so long my fruitful 2 weeks of vacation T^T
idk but I cried at 1st part chibitalia and with Old Man Fritz *sobs*
Click to view
Russia: "But from a while ago, China's been a bit friendly to me. That's quite a step forward. Next year maybe I should go visit China."
THIS >< I blame this sentence for pulling me deeper into the bottomless pifall of DOOM~ fangirlsqueak * best christmas present EVER~ >""<
I almost forgot, I promised I'd be sharing my usuk doujinshi, but um,....well things happened one after another
will try to share it as soon as I can +w+
Hope you enjoy this video as well m(_ _)m
A Very Merry Happy New Year to All!!!!
Let's all have good health this year and forever and ever~