Jan 06, 2007 17:00
Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me? Even though I'm the sacrifice, you won't cry for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you loved me, I'm all alone. Isn't something missing. Isn't someone missing me...
So... last night I went out. I had such a good time. I desperately needed something to do so I went out with some friends and my mum. I ended up coming home and going to bed at 5 A.M. It was nice to actually go out but I actually had a long chat with my mum on the way home. She understands as well as I do that pertaining to my situation with Michael, that I have nothing to get mad at and it's making me crazy.
Well I still have Michael on Facebook and this morning I went to check up on him. The status on his page read "Michael is now aware that he's a terrible person, and wonders if he deserves the happiness he's found...", and before that it read "Michael is suddenly aware that he believe in Karma... shit...". This was really messing with me... because I told my mom the other day that it would hit him that he hurt me just like he always hated being hurt. I'm not rejoicing in this though. I ended up texting him and telling him that I wanted to see him when he got back into town. I still have his Christmas present and I still want to give it to him.
Am I still in love? I think so.
I'm greedy too. I want this awesome slider phone for my birthday and I hope we can create an "accident" with my phone so I can get a new one xD. Thank you cell-phone insurance.
And now my dad just called me and said that we were taking my mom to the emergency room. This is so frustrating, because now my Saturday of moping will be done somewhere that I'm not comfortable moping at. Fucking great.