May 26, 2009 11:38
So I posted a status on myspace this morning ish saying " you either are or you aren't..there's no inbetweens or I wanna's" and an ex step mom messaged me asking me if I was talking about being gay. For one, wtf? Random much? I'm bi, that's technically an inbetween, well it is one. So, that would make me a hypocrite. Secondly, what would make someone come to that kind of conclusion? She's been a little out there for the past year or so and she really may be becoming crazier than crazy lady. -.-;
Speaking of crazy lady, pops with her still, surprising right? He's also a night guard lol Personally I wouldn't want to be in the place he's guarding...just my thing. =P
I'm still looking for a job hoping I can get one soon.