stuff :D

Jan 14, 2015 15:32

Yesterday was great. Jon and I tracked down a 75 gallon fish tank in Conway, so we drove a good 3-4 hours total to pick it up. The owner of the tank had a -gigantic- 1+ft pleco that he let us have. We've named him Pickles. We got a =ton= of stuff from him for 200 dollars.

So we came home, set everything up. Jon decided to take out the rocks and add sand to the bottom so he can buy an eartheater to go with our angels and Pickles. Our tank looks woefully understocked now, but Jon'll fix that eventually :) I told him we need a school of something in there. I"m trying to talk him into getting some mollies. We've got one lone survivor from our molly clan left. I'm pretty sure the angels kept eating the babies, but hey...that kind of keeps populations down which is good.

We also moved my two little goldfish (goldie and tiger) to the thirty gallon tank the other fish HAD been inhabiting. They've been playing in the bubbles ever since. So happy :D And I think I"ll move my betta into the ten gallon and put -that- in the bedroom.

Aside from that I'm cautiously optimistic about having these people move in next door. Warren was all for it but he said he might not have the money to come up and see the place next week. I told him it was no rush regardless. I mean it's not like we own the place yet. But he still wants to move. So we'll see what happens. He said he'd go through the funds and get back to me.

Anyway. it's been a good couple days off. I LOVE taking trips with Jon. When he's driving it's loads of fun :) We've never gotten lost, oddly enough, but I'm pretty sure even if we did it'd just be a laugh till we found our way home. There are few people I have a consistently good time with, and Jon is one of them. I think it's one of the reasons we've lasted for so long together.

Anyway sorry about having been so quiet lately lol. ive been a busy girl :) i hope you guys are having a good week yourselves. Huge hippy hugs!
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