Cleaning the room

Jun 01, 2005 03:36

I like girls that are go-getters. I like chicks that are excited and want to do things. I like people like that in general. I guess I like guys like that too. I like dudes that want to do things and get shit done. In the future, I may just make some other statements similar to the one I just made. I will say “I like chicks that…”, and then I’ll finish with some thing they do or some thing they have, or some thing that they don’t do. I’m not going to follow it with the male counterpart version. I’m not going to follow with the fact that I also like guys who do something, have something, or don’t do or have something. I will just assume that you’re expecting a guy counterpart and save you some reading. Now sometimes, I will only have a feeling about chicks or dudes. In this case I will let you know who it’s for. I might say for instance, that I like chicks with white skin and a hairy vagina. I will follow it with disclaimer that I do not also like white skinned men with hairy vaginas. I might even get so taken by the discussion, that I confess my dislike of tan skinned men with hairy vaginas as well.
Because girls who are go-getters and that are excited about things and want to do things, these girls get me excited to. I assume that they’re akin to living with a crack dealer, and getting free crack all the time. This way, you’re always more eager about things than you should be. You get all riled up about little adventures and projects that you’d normally not have the energy to be bored with. I will note here as well, that the eager type I’m speaking of consistently have a cleaning fetish as well. They may or may not have a control fetish, but they definitely have a cleaning fetish. Many times when they have the control fetish, they have the cleaning fetish as an off-shoot. This happens because they simply must have things work in certain ways, and they must know what is going on. In truth, this can all be an artifice so long as they’ve decided to believe, but this in no way negates the validity of their control needs. So those girls who have the control fetish, they general have the cleaning fetish as an off-shoot because they need life to obey their system of order. They need each object to conform to their spatial desires. Chicks can also just have the cleaning fetish and not the power fetish. This usually comes because they have a fucked-up crazy metabolism that makes them need to run at an agitated speed most of the time similar to that of small business owners who work in the morning at coffee shops discussing ways to make more money. “Aren’t these the same people?” you ask. Well, yes, sometimes they are the same people, but you must remember that just like with the cleaning example, sometimes it’s because they are power hungry whores and sometimes they just have an uncontrollably fast metabolism that makes them restless enough that they must do something productive lest they fidget themselves into some type of carpel tunnel hell.
I farted just now (lifting my butt off the chair (isn’t it funny that both butt and off end in a reiterated letter while but and of do not?) slightly to the left) and let out a wonderful trumpeting sound.
But, of the things previously discussed, or rather in the height of discussion, you may say “Tim, what about the crack? And Tim, why must you relate things to crack anyway? Do you have something to tell us? Is this rail-like frame a composition wrought from the bowels of your nasal line drawings? Finally, does this relate at all to these go-getters you spoke of? And more finally, but not last or least, will Batman ever escape the clutches of the pied pipers pernicious pastry?”, but to that I say:
1. Crack is also white, drives people to crazy cleaning fits and power trips.
2. See the what about crack answer (answer number one (the previous answer))
3. I told you what I told you. I don’t smoke crack but will be caught with my pants down if you ask me about my legal crack addictions
4. My skinny frame is the result of bad eating habits, high metabolism, eating balanced meals as a kid, and not sitting on my ass as much as you if only slightly less
5. Yes this relates to the go-getters I spoke of
6. Batman will finally be killed by suffocation in a big white pie. Robin will steal Batman’s suit and identity telling the world that indeed it was Robin, not Batman that died, and that they must move on from the tragedy because we all knew he was just a useless homosexual side kick anyway. Then when the world has taken in his story, he will unleash his revenge by dropping poison-soaked tights from the sky of Gotham city. The city will finally know the pain of the tormented homosexual as they die under the delicate and deadly form-fitting attire that held Robin so coldly out of the warm green limelight of heterosexual stardom lust.

You may also say, “Tim is there such a thing as too much of a go-getter?” To this I will say yes. If a chick consistently does so much shit that she continually out does you, or never has time for you, or controls you so much that you alter your most cherished priorities on a continual basis, then this is too much. Does this mean that this type of chick is bad? No, but maybe bad for Tim. You see, a man needs to be cared for emotionally by a chick (or chick equivalent), and a man does not want to be cared for and comforted by the same person that makes him feel inadequate and lowly. This is true for chicks too.

I was going to tell you about how cleaning my room relates to my stage in life and how it symbolizes a change in my direction etc. but it’s now to late to be very interesting with such matters so I will leave you hanging by retracted blue testicles so that your mouths will beckon my words like the comfort of the promise of afterlife.
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