It was in the evening as I opened my letter box and I found a thick envelope. I opened it and... ahhhhh ;-) imagine my big smile!
milomaus sent it to me.
At first I found a lovely Christmas card with a photo of a Bodie in black and a Doyle in jeans and red shirt, both of them surely hand made.
But then my eyes grew bigger. There was something very flat and very nicely smelling too. Although it arrived in a jiffy bag the lads didn't survive it in one piece. Still I recognized our sweeties at once:
That was the beginning of my problem. You know (erm... no, you don't know, why should you. I never told you about it) I like sweets at lot. A really lot, a great big really lot. That's the reason why I only buy the amount I will eat at once. I never ever have a stock of sweets in my flat (Now as I mention it: I even don't know the expression "stock of sweets")
You know Oscar Wilde's "I can resist anything except temptation"? You'll see the realization of it in the next photo:
To be continued...
Oh my God - such a wonderful present from
milomaus, and such a sad ending!