Christmas is fast approaching and my life is getting mighty crazy. We have Christmas Eve this year and are expecting to have about 30 people in the house which compared to past Christmas Eves is really not that bad. Still there is tons to do. I took off work tomorrow so I can help my mom stuff calamari. Ewwwwww... For once, I think, I'd actually prefer work. Shocking. Anyhoo, we'll let you know how everything went sometime after Christmas.
This made my chuckle:
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
potuschris sent to me...
Twelve beatles drumming
Eleven autographs piping
Ten movies a-leaping
Nine whales dancing
Eight quotes a-milking
Seven cruises a-swimming
Six penguins a-fencing
Five ba-a-a-ackstreet boys
Four us presidents
Three lj icons
Two oakland athletics
...and a baseball in a cj/toby.