Throughout history it seems that whenever America was at war or war seemed imminent, free speech and first amendment rights were an early casualty. For example, in 1798, when war with France appeared possible, the administration of John Adams brought about the Alien and Sedition Acts, which, among other things, restricted speech which was critical
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Comments 6
1. just maybe sometime in the future Harding and Nixon - victims of their own character flaws - will be recognized for the progressive nature of their presidencies
2. Wilson so greatly admired - his character flaws are ignored. He was not a nice man. As a nation we deplore the obvious but ignore duplicitous mean spiritedness if well hidden.
3. "Hell No We Won't Go!" - burning draft cards etc. And wasn't an 80 year old nun just sentenced for her protesting?
You also make a great point about Wilson. Even though Reagan's popularity declined towards the end of his second term, the country elected a Republican to succeed him. Eisenhower's successor didn't lose by very much, ditto for Clinton. But after Wilson's second term, the voters really protested by giving Harding a landslide. I agree that Wilson gets cut much more slack by those who write his legacy than he deserves.
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