A few small parcels of good news...and bad...

Jan 05, 2006 21:48

Some good news to make the day a bit better!

So, I guess it was just announced that Jon Stewart is going to host the Oscars! w00t! Jon Stewart rocks, I'll probably end up watching it now. He's way better than Chris Rock, who I can't stand 'cause he never lets go of the race card. So that's a bonus. Plus I am going to see the New Jersey Devils take on the Philadeplhia Flyers with Val on Monday, when I go to NJ, so that should be super dooper.

On the negative side of things, I am no longer going to CT for Terri's shindig tomorrow. It has been cancelled as her grandmother has gotten sick. So best wishes to her and her grandmother, but now I have a free weekend to fill up with...something.

Maybe I'll work on Sunday, if that's still happening. Otherwise tomorrow would be my last day. It might not have been the best job I've ever had, but I'll admit I'll miss it. It was easy as hell (and reflected it by the pay...) but I enjoyed everyone I got to work with, 'cept for Dave. That guy was a creep. So buena suerte to those of us still looking for jobs...which I think is essentially just Loretta and myself since Becky and Nate have new jobs, and Jim is being set up with something, and Betty is well...just old. Maybe she'll retire.
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