Reckless Fauna of southern PA

Oct 20, 2006 16:55

So...Wednesday night's ride home from Shippensburg has to rate as one of, if not THE, most bizarre car rides of my life.

Everything was normal 'til I made it to this bend in the road on Route 696 out near where it intersects with Route 81. I was going about 60, which is fast for that road since it's windy and not well lit, but I do that all the time, so I was figuring 'what the hell.' As I come around this curve, there's also a little depression in the road, so you can't see what's immediately beyond it. Anyways, I hit this curve, crest the little depression, and there's a goddamn cat right in front of me. I screech the brakes as hard as I can (good thing no one was behind me!), but I know I am hitting this cat one way or the other. Fortunately, the cat had just enough time to react and went under the middle of the car instead of being hit by the wheels. Even so, I heard that sick thumping noise under the car, and I figured it was dead. So I went up a ways further and I doubled back, because I felt bad and wanted to see if it was dead. Well, it wasn't where I hit it, so I at least didn't kill it instantly or wound it so severely that it couldn't leave the road. Thinking this would be the freakish occurrence of my trip home, I set off again for Gettysburg.

Well, I was wrong. About a 20 minutes later, as I'm driving across that two or three mile long plain after you exit Cashtown on Rt. 30 heading towards Gettysburg, something else happened, and this one almost ended in me dying as well as an animal (or in this case, two animals). Out of nowhere, two motherfucking deer decide to bound into the road just as my car is driving towards them. Smart fucking animals...I was going about 65 here, so hitting a deer at that speed could easily have been lights out forever. One of the deer makes it past my car into the other lane of the road, missing by inches. The other deer hesitates and stops just short of my car on the other side. There was probably all of six feet between the two deer, and my car went right through that space. So...yeah...needless to say, I am a little pissed off at the wildlife in Pennsylvania right now, although I still hope the cat is okay.
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