Oct 27, 2006 22:34
Why is it that whenever you're looking for something on ebay, suddenly everybody else appears to be looking for it as well?
Interesting couple of days what with Boysie's "Grandad" having a birthday yesterday. That gave us the opportunity to catch up with an old friend from the Kaffee Bohne at the Uni here in Potsdam. The only thing I'd heard about her in recent years was that she had declared herself to be a lesbian - a shock to many of us.
Quite apart from anything else, she is still one of the nicest, friendliest, optimistic, interesting and interested people I know. Susi, too, thought that she and "Grandad" would be a great couple... In any case, I have a renewed respect for the lass and (wrongly) still kind of hope/think that she will re-discover the other gender!
We've had countless auctions to look out for but other people seem prepared to pay more for the items we're looking for - a bike for Boysie etc.
Now we've the prospect of the mother-in-law visiting: she rightly detected my enthusiasm for this visit on the phone today and laughed about it. I don't really mind because she's Susi's mother and the kids' Grandma so they should see each other. Maybe I'll just spend more time on LJ or ebay during her visit to get out of the way.