3461: Blood Brothers - The Potters Will

Oct 13, 2015 23:03

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is Inferior Writing? On Chicklit, Fantasy, and Mary Sue

TITLE: Blood Brothers
SUMMARY:”When Dumbledore attempts to leave Harry at the Dursley's, the Potter Will activates, sending Harry to his rightful guardian, his godmother Alice Longbottom. She and Frank survive the Death Eater attack and decide to raise him. AU Harry grows up with loving family.”
FULL NAME: The Potters Will
SPECIES: An inanimate object with magical properties which doesn't exist in the Harry Potter world,
HAIR: What hair?
EYES: What eyes?
MARKINGS: Marking allowing for this to happen.
POSSESSIONS: A kind of magic which shouldn't exist.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Minvera thinks, “did Albus have brain damage from sucking on to many bloody lemon drops.” And then Hagrid crashes into Dumbledore, the will activates and Alice screams in all caps about how Dumbledore is wrong for leaving her godchild with the Dursley's.
ORIGIN: Pretty much see the summary. There is a big chunk in bold quoted from the books from when McGonagall complains to Dumbledore.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Despite the fact Sirius shouldn't officially be charged as of yet let alone do the deed Harry ends up with Alice instead of Sirius. The will is able to perform magic which shouldn't exist.

NOTES: Fic is filled with logic fails.


She repeated her thoughts to Dumbledore but he refused, point blank, to let Harry be raised in the Magical World.

"You want to leave the last Potter in the Muggle World," she said revolted. "Have Harry Potter, the heir to a long lasting Magical Family raised like a Muggle-born , unaware of who he is."

Dumbledore was beginning to get angry. He forced his angry rebuke down and concealed his glare.

"I also highly doubt James and Lily's last wishes say: We leave our son Harry James Potter in the care of the Dursley family,"

Unnoticed by Minerva, Dumbledore's eyes darted shiftily. Damn, she's onto me.

Before he could raise his wand to Obliviate his Deputy, a huge motorcycle landed out of the air.

Dumbledore, who hadn't realised that he was standing in the middle of the road, hadn't moved entirely out of the way in time.

The front wheel of the motorbike crashed right through Dumbledore's legs as he was trying to move out of the way.

Dumbledore managed to restrain himself from screaming through the pain. He managed to register that Hagrid was sitting astride the huge motorbike. Where the hell did Hagrid get a motorbike?

He asked Hagrid that. He growled when he heard Sirius' name. Hagrid managed to get the huge monstrosity off him.

rating - toxic, pw - ron the death eater, ss - object

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