3421: The Best Sister - Bailey Potter

Mar 16, 2015 22:26

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

Here is day two of twin week.

TITLE: The Best Sister
SUMMARY:”Bailey potter, harry potters twin sister. she was loved by everyone or mostly everyone the slytherins hate her but that's about it. she thought that this would just me like every other year classes and friends. no she has to deal with a whole lot more including that her brother might not even be her real brother.”
FULL NAME: Bailey Potter
SPECIES: demi-god (shouldn't Harry be to?)
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: “I had gotten most of my clothes from [Aunt Marge] seeing as the people that watch over me would never get me new stuff especially clothes.” (If Aunt Marge likes her then why doesn't the rest of the family? She is rather influential.)
CONNECTION TO CANON: Marge comes over like she does in canon and takes Bailey shopping. When she gets home she claims the reason she gets new things is because she plays nice. She gets stuff for Harry by saying it is for Draco. (Aunt Marge is under the impression Draco is a rich prospect for her niece.) She also lectures Harry about running off, and yet lets him drag her with him. The time at Diagon Alley. Same. Train - same. She gets the dreams to. She has a run in with Draco as she chases him down, and his dad thinks she's hiding something. There is a mentioning of Chiron. Dinner - same. George and Fred still her book. Hermione comments on how Draco and Bailey like each other. She mentions she knows someone from camp that she likes. (All irght, that came out of the blue. She then complains about how her brother gets upset because she gets to go to camp. (There is a logical reason for this Bailey. Despite the claim the Dursley's treat you the same as him - they really don't.) Harry makes a comment about how her guy looks older then her, but Bailey says she's not. Nobody says anything about how someone who just turned thirteen really isn't old enough to be dating. Trewlawny, Buckbeak - she ends up following Hagrid and talking to Draco. Black's been sighted. She decides to contact Chiron who would tell Luke. (Maybe Chiron wasn't on the train. Maybe she has a special way of communicating with him. That bit was a tad confusing.) She gets to go to Hogmede, but Harry doesn't because of the Aunt incident. (Um... shouldn't she be in the same boat?) I then pretty much got bored with this one.
ORIGIN: We have yet another parasite sue. Despite being an absolute prick she still manages to be dragged along with Harry!
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She has a ton of angst that the writer expects us to sympathize with. The writer expects us to believe that there is a logical reason for us not to believe she isn't Harry's twin. She's dating Luke. If you know the other fandom then you’ll know how Bailey being his other doesn't exactly make sense.

NOTES: The writer means by the title of "Best Sister" a sister who happens to be treated much better then Harry and can't understand for the life why her brother is so upset with the fact she is treated better then him. Why? Because in her mind she honestly believes she has as much troubles as he does if not worse. Not that the writer did anything proving she was nothing more then a spoiled brat. On the positive side she at least isn't as bad as some of the other spoiled brats we've had, and she doesn't constantly speaks like one. She's just really spoiled.


was running, for what purpose I do not know all I could remember was my name at this moment, Bailey. The wind was sharp against my face along with rain hitting me like shards of glass at every second. I tried to tell my legs to stop I was going to get more hurt from the rain while trying to run then I ever would by stopping. Glanced behind me I tryed to make something out through the storm but couldn't see anything.

"Bailey. Bailey get up" I jumped off my bed landing on the floor with a grunt. My brother Harry was looking down at me with concern written across his face. I glanced around the room seeing that the sun was up meaning it was almost time for our 'Aunt' to arrive for her visiting. She wasn't really Harrys or my Aunt seeing as we were sent to live with our mom sister ever since the car crash that killed our parents. "hurry you have to get dressed" harry said trying to pull me off the floor so i would move faster.

I knew she would be here any minute lucky for me everyone seemed to like me even if they hated Harry. Like our Aunt liked me but hated Harry so I didn't have to do anything when she was but Harry was put to work. While Harry had to were our cousin, Dudley, and me downs everyone liked me enough to get me new nice clothes. I quickly changed into an outfit that my Aunt would like before heading down stares once I had heard the doorbell ring. Their she was in her overweight self and her stupid little dog that nobody liked as it was disgusting.

"Their is my favorite nephew she said coming over to me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug that took my breath away. "Look it how nice you look we will have to go shopping again" she said, I had gotten most of my clothes from her seeing as the people that watch over me would never get me new stuff especially clothes. I nodded in agreement as she was swept into the house by uncle vernon, who was one of the people that are supposed to care for me.

related to the potters, rating - awful, related to a god or goddess, ct - god/goddess (part), p - crossover

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