3373 - Harry's Pokemon Journey - Harry and his Pokemon

Dec 10, 2014 20:00

- Don't forget about the fanfic contest.
- Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.
- No link of the day or Flashback Sue today. I'm just glad to have Pottersues up and running again. I meant to mention earlier that there may be a few days I don't post as it is the holiday season. That was before the issues with LJ cropped up. Hopefully the later is over though.

TITLE: Harry's Pokemon Adventure
PERPETRATOR: Lightning Fox Elemental
SUMMARY:”Harry gets transported to the pokemon world at age 9 by jirachi. what will happen?”
FULL NAME: Harry, Niore and Luna
SPECIES: abused!Harry... again
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: Niore is black, Luna is Albion
POSSESSIONS: “The egg was red with black flames on the bottom.” He also has the black Persion named Niore. He also has a Pichu named Luna.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry arrives in Pokemon land and meets
a black Persion with a purple jewel. (Um... no.) It is injured and takes Harry back to it's house along with the Pokemon egg that Jirachi gave Harry. It is big enough that a nine year old Harry is able to ride it. He then gets to meet Professor Oak and plays with the Pokemon and makes friends with them. In the third chapter he leaves the lab. His starter is the awesome!Persion named Niore. They catch a “pichu”. They get to ...GASP... have a two on two battle. After the battle the egg finally hatches and Harry gets three Pokemon. He gets a Vulpix and two Eevee. He oversees the argument between Ash and Misty with Brock. You think that's bad? It gets worse... Harry catches Mew.
ORIGIN: Harry is super abused in this story. Jirachi rescues him when he is nine. Luna is there to comfort Harry during his battles because he thinks that people tapping his shoulders are going to punch him. (Poor Brock... I doubt Proffessor Oak would have let him out on a journey if Harry was acting like this.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: He can speak to Pokemon. Niore happens to know Icy Wind. (How convenient against the first gym.) Actually... Niore conveniently knows Scratch, Bite, Icy Wind, Iron Tail and Hyperbeam. Luna without being trained knows Mega Punch, Double Slap and even Volt Tackle. The Vulpix knows “ember, quick attack, dig and dark pulse”, while “the male (Black) knows the moves quick attack, tackle and dark pulse. The female (Silver) knows the moves quick attack, tackle and heal bell.”

NOTES: I suspect a young writer... so... you know the rules in regards to young writers.

Anyways... everything is handed to Harry. Ash may have had quite a bit of dumb luck, but in comparison he actually worked in comparison.


When I woke up I was fully healed and in a forest. I saw an egg with a note on it that said "take this with you". The egg was red with black flames on the bottom. I picked it up and started walking towards where the forest looked thinner.

Sometime later I came upon a clearing with a large black feline with a purple gem on its head, when it looked towards me I saw it also had purple eyes. The cat had a large wound on its shoulder. I realized that jirachi must have given me info on my new world when I recognized the cat as an oddly colored Persian. When the Persian started growling in my direction I held out my hands to show I meant no harm.

"I don't mean you any harm. Can I help you to someplace that can heal you?" I ask in a soothing voice.

'You can help me to the lab child' the Persian said.

"You can talk?" I ask with a start.

'You can understand me? Let's figure this out later I need help before I pass out because I doubt you could carry my unconscious body. The way to the lab is that way' the Persian says as it points the way I came from. Then she got up and padded towards me kind of shakily. I helped support her as we headed in the direction of the lab. It was a lot of work since the Persian was to the bottom of my ribcage and probably twice as heavy as me. After fifteen minutes we reached the lab and I shakily knocked on the door.

'Don't worry little one they won't hurt you' the Persian said as I gripped her fur to keep myself from running.

a - ability from another fandom, rating - toxic, c - creature from another fandom, stu - harry potter, p - crossover

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