3307: A Story of Min - Minerva McGonagal

Sep 05, 2014 22:49

The Flashback Sue covers number 64 to 69.
- 64: They only have LotR Sues on their profile now.
- 65-68: This was supposed to be DracoFan626 week.
- 69: They wrote a story turning Lily into a Mary Sue.

Don't forget about the fanfic contest.
- Here is the link of the day.

TITLE: A Story of Min and Seeing the Invisable
PERPETRATOR: Gwen Sanderson
SUMMARY:”pain, loneliness, betrayal, laughter, tears, and everything but "ever after" all poured into one life. When you're betting everything you've got on one idea, and it turns out you're wrong it can bring you to unexpected places. maybe you'll end up where yo” and ””
FULL NAME: Minerva McGonagall
SPECIES: Super Genius
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: She meets Remus his first year and offers to sit with him.
ORIGIN: The writer had a major logic fail when they came up with the story.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “By her fourth year Minerva McGonagall had finished all the work given to even the seventh years, and might have just as well gone out into the world, armed with all of the information she had collected. But who in their right mind would allow a fourteen year old to go out and start leading their own life? Definitely no one she knew. So Minerva stayed at Hogwarts, as she had decided to do for the rest of her life, studying to be a professor. She was sort of like an apprentice to the Transfiguration teacher, and took over quite a lot, since he was incredibly unreliable. On the first day of her sixth year, Minerva began to teach two periods of transfiguration a day, when she wasn't in her other classes. The sad thing for her was, not one student realized that she wasn't a professor, and still never tried to be her friend.”

NOTES: The story really goes nowhere and is very poorly written.


In the dim light of the fire, a small girl sat alone and worked. The silence was only broken by the scratching of her quill and the flutter of turning pages. This was not an unusual thing for her to be doing on a Friday night at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, even though all of her year was out having fun. Being a first year, you'd expect her to try an join in, but no, she just sat there by the fire, finishing the work she should have been doing in about fourth year.

Sometimes she cried, letting out the loneliness that was so deep that only she could feel it. More often she just bottled it, doing so for years and years- until he arrived.


By her fourth year Minerva McGonagall had finished all the work given to even the seventh years, and might have just as well gone out into the world, armed with all of the information she had collected. But who in their right mind would allow a fourteen year old to go out and start leading their own life? Definitely no one she knew. So Minerva stayed at Hogwarts, as she had decided to do for the rest of her life, studying to be a professor. She was sort of like an apprentice to the Transfiguration teacher, and took over quite a lot, since he was incredibly unreliable. On the first day of her sixth year, Minerva began to teach two periods of transfiguration a day, when she wasn't in her other classes. The sad thing for her was, not one student realized that she wasn't a professor, and still never tried to be her friend.

Being sixteen and not having a single friend, or ever had one before, makes your life extremely depressing. (a/n: we are going back to before her 6th year starts- on the Hogwarts Express, at kings cross station)

Minerva, unhappy about having to spend another lonely year at hogwarts, lugged her trunk into an empty compartment, feeling waves of homesickness already. She sat next to the window and stared out, wondering if this year anything interesting would happen. Just as she was thinking that, a soft knock came on her compartment door. Startled by the thought of human interaction, she jumped up, looking at the door.

There was a small boy standing outside it, looking rather scared.

"oh," thought Minerva unhappily, " he's just lost, I suppose…"

sue - minerva mcgonagal, rating - bad, je - teacher (new), ap - academic pursuit

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