3278: Spirit of Fear: The Misguides Fox - Chey McGonnagal

Jul 24, 2014 20:01

Today's entry is a longer entry, so there is a chance that I may not get through all of it. Today is also the sixth day of Special Pet week. Scratch that. I am definitly not getting through all of the fic. I couldn't get past the second chapter with all the masculine ego stroking of the Gary Stu.
- There are twenty three days left until fanfic contest starts.
- I tried looking up a Gary Stu rant and got this
- Today's Flashback Stu is Luke Pendragon.

TITLE: Spirit of Fear: The Misguided Fox (This one was actually on my original list for this week, but I cut it due to how long it is.
PERPETRATOR: TermiteStudios
(toxic) By the way... this is one of those you know is going to be toxic from the summary.
COVER/BANNER ART: I believe that the cover is a picture of their OC drawn in a semi-chibi Anime style. Yup. Confirmed.
SUMMARY:”Searching for a place to belong, a transfer student arrives to study in Europe's most famous magical schools. Is there really a place for an eccentric warlock with an ancient wand infused in his right arm and a pet dragon? Original Character, Books 2 to 7. ”
FULL NAME: Chey McGonnagal
SPECIES: He's Minerva McGonagall's nephew. Someone please tell me how her name can get turned to “Aunt Em” of all things. Aunt M maybe?
HAIR: See markings...
EYES: See markings...
MARKINGS: “Chey loved to argue. He got that from his mother, along with her brilliance. He couldn't help it. No matter where he went, he was top of the class. He also got his eyes and hair from her. His smooth, silver hair and eyes were strikingly like her's. Most of the rest of his appearance came from his father. He was tall, lank, with a medium build, and a rather lean, angular face, but a smooth jawline.” He's also only fifteen.
POSSESSIONS: Before even getting into the story we know that the character has a pet dragon despite what canon has said about dragons. He's also got a pet raven named Raithe. His dragon's name is Vipertooths... “Vipertooths are the smallest breed of dragon. However, their size allows them to achieve speeds and feats of agility that other breeds can't begin to reach. Vipey was no ordinary dragon; he was very, very smart. He could understand Chey's commands and act accordingly. His capacity for strategy was also significantly high for a Peruvian Vipertooth, which were already an intelligent breed. Vipey had even fended off an Ironbelly that was nearly three times his size and four times his weight. Vipey's natural speed and agility kept him alive.” (Hello Toothless!)
CONNECTION TO CANON: Chey storms out of his current school because he is being falsely accused and then as he leaves “he reassured them he went down fighting, that he never confessed, that their involvement would never be investigated...” He then brags about how his transfer to Durmstrang is going to go through because the deadline is passed and “no changes to the application can be made past the deadline”. We find out that Charlie has cleared him to help handle Dragons. In chapter two he shows off on a particular dragon claiming it as his.
ORIGIN: Chey attended the “Venice University of Magic”... and the readers just have to be told that it's “a school located on an island just off the coast of Italy”. According to Chey, “Also, I technically wasn't expelled, just barred from returning. There's a slight difference.” (No their isn't.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: He has a wand infused into his right arm. “Chey was always good at taking the fall without anyone realizing it. It started at his second school. That one went so well that not even he realized he was taking the full brunt of the punishment. As a matter of fact, the only ones who knew were the real perpetrators. They had learned of his reputation from his first school, and figured they could accomplish the most devilish form of mischief, and pass the buck on to the new kid. It worked.” Chey can also speak fluent Italian. He's also super intelligent because “he couldn't help it”. "The McGonnagals are a very old, powerful family back in the States, both in wealth and in magic. They're masters at investing, managing, transfiguration, many are Animagi, and a few of us are illusionists."

NOTES: I was not happy to find this author's note at the beginning of the first chapter.

“This story revolves around an original character, so the Character 1 and Character 2 properties will not be entirely accurate for the story's entirety. Resultingly, the aforementioned properties will be adjusted to reflect the canon character most involved in the single most recent chapter for Character 1, and the latest five (5) chapters for Character 2. As the story progresses, these properties will be changed accordingly. I hope this clears up any confusion.”

Really? I think the reason for doing this with the character tags is to try and get more people to read the actual story by bouncing it around to the various characters. Last time I checked, this isn't how character tags are supposed to be used.

And for goodness sakes! Fanfiction is not for advertising your personal business whether it be your professionally published books or your art studio!


"You've got to be kidding me!"

"We take matters such as this very seriously."

"You're getting rid of me as punishment to a rule violation when you have no physical evidence that I committed the offending action? That's against the University's code!"

"You had the means, the motive, and the opportunity. In your words, that is enough to convict of..."

"I said that's a starting point! I never said you should kick people out on that basis alone!"

"The board's decision is final. You will surrender your-"

"Ah, you're a joke! I'm out of here!"

The sound of a long, thin piece of wood clattering to a cold stone floor rang through the hall, followed by a heavy door being closed so hard it stressed the integrity of the centuries-old hinges that held it to the wall.

It was a routine that had been played out three times before, all with the hopes that it would be different next year. Given the current streak, it was starting to look like things would never change. Chey would just have to keep looking.

Chey was no stranger to rejection. As a matter of fact, this was the fourth time he'd been expelled. Remarkable, especially considering this was his fourth year of education. Far more remarkable was that he had only surrendered his wand once.

As Chey left the grounds, twirling the wand he had just given the impression of surrendering, he looked back on the year at the Venice University of Magic, a school located on an island just off the coast of Italy. It wasn't bad. The classes were good and challenging, the Mediterranean weather was excellent, and the expressions on everyone's faces when they learned he spoke fluent Italian were priceless. It was like a MasterCard commercial.

As he passed the other students on his way out, they inquired as to his fate. He reassured them he went down fighting, that he never confessed, that their involvement would never be investigated, and that he would be sure to keep in touch. He also warned them never to speak of it again, lest they share his fate.

Chey was always good at taking the fall without anyone realizing it. It started at his second school. That one went so well that not even he realized he was taking the full brunt of the punishment. As a matter of fact, the only ones who knew were the real perpetrators. They had learned of his reputation from his first school, and figured they could accomplish the most devilish form of mischief, and pass the buck on to the new kid. It worked.

rating - toxic, ap - athletic pursuit, related to mcgonagall, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, ap - academic pursuit, pc - bloodwrath hufflepuff, ct - dragon (full)

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