3276: A Snake on the Move - Zelena Snape/Prince

Jul 22, 2014 21:19

Here is day five.
-Nine full days until the fanfic contest. starts.
-I've possibly posted this before.
- For our Flash Back Sue we have Trinity Snape.

TITLE: A Snake on the Move
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of their avatar, which happens to be a gaming controler.
SUMMARY:”"Look at the teachers pet everyone!" "More like teachers pest." Zelena Snape is starting Hogwarts. Her father is a professor at the school, and over the years, she has an unlikely set of events that make her end up with Draco Malfoy. Spoilers! Draco Malfoy X OC ”
FULL NAME: Zelena Snape/Prince. To quote the writer.... “ chose the name 'Zelena' because it means; green (for Slytherin). I know it's the name of the witch from OUAT, but I really liked the name because it sounded so beautiful for the character I wanted her to be.”
SPECIES: She's Snape's daughter.
HAIR: See possessions...
EYES: See possessions...
MARKINGS: See possessions...
POSSESSIONS: Zelena has “a yellow python, a rare breed like Zelena”. She of course gets special treatement because of who her father is and is able to take her snake to school. “Zelena was wearing a translucent black shirt with a black singlet underneath. She was wearing black denim genes with grey ankle boots, which matched her grey scarf she was wearing. Her white skin was glistening under the light of the chandelier in the foyer. Her red hair was up in a Half-Dutch braid. She was wearing a silver locket witch had an emerald stone along the join of the chain which matched her blue eyes.” (Why is this eleven to twelve year old dressed to the nines?” She gets a wand that is “black Walnut with Unicorn core, 10 ½ inches supple”. She has a song book. Also... when they go to the lake for swimming, here is Draco's description. “I caught up with the guys, Pansy and Zelena to go to the lake. I came out with three brooms. Grabble was wearing a shirt and board shorts. So was Goyle. Pansy was wearing a skimpy low cut top (no surprise there) with small cut denim shorts with her hair in a high ponytail. Zelena, however was wearing something completely different. I've never seen her wear swimmers before. She had her hair up in a braid. She wore a black long-sleeved top with black denim pants. It was so plain, plainer than anything she ever wore before.” Then Zelena's point of view. “I took my top off. Underneath I was wearing a black ROXY bikini top. I also took off my pants. I just had normal bikini bottoms on.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Zelena is going to go and spend the night over at the Malfoy's because in this world Lucious is her Godfather and Draco is her best friend. She then meets Hermione, helps her find Neville's toad. After meeting Ron and Harry... Hermione tells everybody to change into their robes. She still gets sorted into Slytherin. She then steals Hermione's line about Wolfsbane and Monks hood and then tops it. Wolfsbane and Monkshood are the same plant. The botanical name of this plant is Aconitum. There is a wide variety of this plant, and is known by many names. Aconite, Devil's Hood, Blue Rocket and Leopard's Bane is just a few of them. It comes in many colors such as blue, purple, yellow, white and pink. There are over 250 species of this plant, belonging to the buttercup family."Zelena has her song book stolen by Pansey and read out loud. (The songs Zelena claims as hers actually belong to other people. Why do writers think they can disclaim songs and then claim in the story that the songs are their characters? They've not the rights to do so.) They then go swimming in the lake
ORIGIN: “She had never met her real mother, from what she remembered. She was brought into this world to restore justice, and she knew what her father has been doing with Dumbledore. She was faithful to her father before anyone else.” To hide whose daughter she is she goes by the last name of Prince.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The existence of Snape's daughter is always as questionable as the daughters of Voldemort. Mind you... there is a way for them to have children, but Suethors tend not to think that far ahead. This particular writer claims Zelena came into existence to restore balance which makes it worse, not better. I'd also like to note that it sounds like Zelena and Draco were raised together like they were siblings... aka knowing each other since they were toddlers. The writer is planning on moving the relationship to the romantic kind though. The sorting hat says, “I've never seen a mind quite like yours. Not in a long time. I see, you are a very clever girl. Hmm yes, yes. I must say there is only one house for you. Slytherin!” She writes songs too.., actually... they belong to someone else.

NOTES: Zelena means “moon goddess” in the Greek language. The language it means “green” in is Bosnian. Snape picking this name for his daughter for the reasons the writer gives is as likely as him having a daughter considering his infatuation with Harry's mother. The other thing that stood out to me was the fact the writer seems to want the readers to know how special Zelena is supposed to be right off the bat and then begins to rub it in.

This also said... I suspect a young writer who just joined the site at the beginning of the year so you know the rules if you choose to review. Oh! And every one of her other stories happens to be a canon character paired with an OC. Cute. Unfortunately, cute only goes so far.

Oh... and that special pet mentioned in the first chapter? Never heard from again.


"Zelena, are you ready to go with the Malfoy's?" Snape was yelling out to his daughter to come down from her room.

"I'm coming father," she replied, "just let me get Cyprus." Cyprus was her pet snake that she held most dearly to her care. He was not poisonous so that allowed Snape to pull some strings for Cyprus to come to the school. Cyprus was a yellow python, a rare breed like Zelena.

Although Snape had had Zelena at the Dark Lord's orders, he loved her no less. She knew why she was created for the Dark Lord and she didn't care. She was told by her father that he would always care for her no matter why she was his. She was his daughter, and his flesh and blood. Whether he was commanded to have her as a child or not, he would not have it any other way.

"Does she know," Lucius Malfoy asked him.

"She is very aware of it. I do not care whether I was ordered to or not, she is my daughter..."

"… And you will love her the same, yes I understand. She is your daughter as Draco is my son."

Zelena was in her room packing for Hogwarts and the Malfoy's. She was exited. This was going to be her first year of magic. She thought it was so kind of the Malfoy's to let her stay over. She didn't even know them that well, but her father did. After all the only person she really knew was Lucius, and he was her Godfather.

She had never met her real mother, from what she remembered. She was brought into this world to restore justice, and she knew what her father has being doing with Dumbledore. She was faithful to her father before anyone else.

p - fluff train, rating - awful, pc - parasite sue, related to snape, ph - slytherin house, ap - academic pursuit

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