Pottersues Prompts

Apr 12, 2014 14:30

Here is another item for Pottersues eleventh anniversary. One of the minions suggested making a prompt list based off earlier entries.

Here are the rules for the prompts.
  • You can use the prompts for badfic you write for fun or you can try to make as good of a fic as possible for that possible prompt. Some will be harder then others.
  • You don't have to link back or even give credit. You don't have to share the stories you write here either.
  • It is one prompt for each story.
  • You may not vary from the prompt. The exception is for crossovers. If you do not know the fandom then you can replace it for a similar fandom. For example... if the fandom is based around vampires then you substitute it for another fandom that is based around vampires.
  • If an OC or canon character from another canon fits the [blank] for the prompt then you can use it.
  • The stories don't have to be Harry Potter fics.
  • The prompts don't have to be done in order.

This also said you can submit prompts to add to the list.
  • They need to be done in order, no skipping entries.
  • Prompts can be variations of previous prompts, but they need to be different. There are many ways to do this.
  • Prompts must be based off the entry in question.
  • First to post, first to be put up.
  • If it is a crossover prompt avoid prompts that can only be applied to that particular fandom.
  • Be creative and expect it to be harder to come up with prompts as things go along.
  • Keep them simple.

I'm going to do the first twenty-five.

1. [blank] is the next door neighbor of Harry.
2. [blank] is the daughter of Lily and Lucius.
3. Hermione is tired of a being a goody-two-shoes.
4. [blank] is the daughter of Severus.
5. [blank] has a hobby.
6. The pairing is Draco/Ginny.
7. [blank] is an heir of one of the founders.
8. [blank] is a character Rowling didn't write about.
9. [blank] was raised in the wizarding world.
10. [blank] is in Ravenclaw.
11. [blank] is blind.
12. [blank] is Minerva's granddaughter.
13. The story is a crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
14 . [blank] is Hermione's arch rival.
15. The story involves genderbending a canon character.
16. [blank] is from Canada.
17. [blank] is on the Quidditch team.
18. The story is a sequel to another story.
19. [blank] is a transfer student.
20. [blank] is the child of Minerva and Albus I.
21. [blank] is from Japan.
22. [blank] is Lily's twin.
23. [blank] is from America.
24. [blank] is in Slytherin.
25. [blank] is in Gryffindor.
26. [blank] is from Bulgaria.
27. [blank] is from Hawaii.
28. [blank] has abusive characters.
29. [blank] is from Virgina.
30. [blank] is Dumbledore's niece.
31. [blank] is the child of Severus.
32. The pairing is Draco/[blank].
33. [blank] are twins.
34. The theme is “shadows”.
35. [blank] is a transfer student from America.
36. The story takes place during Marauder Era.
37. [blank] is a transfer student from Durmstrang.
38. [blank's] Godfather is Severus.
39. [blank] is from Washington D.C.
40. [blank] is adopted.
41. [blank's] parents are divorced.
42. [blank] is from California.
43. [blank] is an orphan.
44. The pairing is Lupin/[blank].
45. [blank] is Ron's cousin.
46. This story features a love triangle involving Draco.
47. [blank] is the niece of Severus.
48. [blank] is a transfer student from Australia.
49. [blank] is the daughter of Voldemort
50. [blank] is a Death Eater.

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