3167: Lydia Madon and the Weeping Pixie Wand repost - Lydia Mason

Jan 16, 2014 18:43

Here is day thirty-nine. I couldn't find a fic with a Tinkerbell, so I settled something related to her in some manner instead. That also said, it should be noted that Tinkerbell used to be one of the Disney princess. That also said, the writer admits that this one is bad, but posted it because... well, they explain it better in the author's note then I can.

TITLE: Lydia Mason and the Weeping Pixie Wand repost
PERPETRATOR: magicmumu
COVER/BANNER ART: It's their avatar, which I believe may be a picture of the writer.

FULL NAME: Lydia Mason
SPECIES: “. I just wanted to write a long story about a Squib coming into their powers a little later, and therefore having a somewhat special place in the wizard world.” (Hey... the writer describes it quite well.)
HAIR: “My hair now grows a little faster than Julia's does, making it down to the middle of my spine. It then went from light brown to black...
EYES: “...and my eyes went from green to blue.”
MARKINGS: “Our magical differences aren't the only thing that sets us apart. During Julia's first year of Hogwarts, my appearance had started to change.” “I think my father is afraid to look at me for more than a few seconds because of my resemblance to my mother. “
POSSESSIONS: She has a twin named Julia. Then there is her wand. “Now, this one is a real beaut. It'd be a shame if you weren't the owner of this one. Haven't sold this one, and it's been in my shop for almost 15 years. 11 ¾ inch Weeping Pixie Wand made with the wings of a male pixie, and 4 feathers from a Northern Australian peacock... oh, and with the usual unicorn tail for added strength in the wand." Her sisters is... “12 inches with hindoral leaves and a hair of a banchi."
CONNECTION TO CANON: We start off with Julia complaining about Draco. She and her sister go shopping for her sisters supplies and for some reason Olivander things that she is getting a wand too and suddenly she can use it. (You know... if the two girls now look different the man won't confuse them like the writer makes out as happening.) She then finds out her sister lied to her, saying … “"Well at the time, if you remember right, I was mad at you because you had sharing issues back then, so I lied. You have to concentrate on the flavors you DON'T like to change it to one you DO want. Go ahead, try it," She's then going to school. (The chapters aren't posted individually, so I'm going to stop here.)
ORIGIN: “My parents still taught me the simple things like reading, writing and the thing you don't need a wand for, like really easy Potions, but after our mum died when we were 6, all that stopped. I was never tested again since then, for my dad became engulfed in his job at Sauntersville's Famous Muggle Artifacts Shop, where he works hard for a man named Dravis Quimby.” I believe her mother was killed in the incident between Sirius and Peter.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “Since my father is half wizard-half Muggle (one of no magic), there was a chance of one of my parents' kids not having powers, however, they never thought about twins.” “Also, the one thing that set me apart from my father and sister is that I am not afraid to say Voldemort's name. It is so hushed in this world because he was a great, but evil wizard.”



"Martio Alentanis!" Julia yelled, holding the fake wand she had gotten for Christmas 6 years ago. It used to make illusions of spiders and bugs, but it is broken, so all it did then was spark. I rolled my eyes behind my issue of Witch Weekly.

"Oh I can't wait until Dad gets home from work. I do hope the traffic in Sauntersville isn't horrid. Dad promised he'd get me a new wand today. When I get back to school, I'm going to turn him into to… the cow he is for snapping my old one in half!" 'Him' was Draco Malfoy, a wicked boy in her school.

"You shouldn't have provoked him," I muttered, never looking up from my article. This week's article was on Harry Potter (again) and how that Cedric Diggory kid died last term in the Triwizard competition. Harry Potter's picture waved up at me and smiled. I secretively smiled back before looking up at my twin, who lay on her bed across the room from mine. You may look at us at that point in time and say 'No way, you two are twins?' but we are. When we were little we were never told apart. Now…I don't know.

I am different from my sister because I am normal and she is not. That may sound mean or strange to you, but Julia is a witch. In fact, everyone in my family is. My mother was a witch, and my father is a wizard. I am the only one without magical powers. I am what most would call a Squib (one of wizard family without magical powers). Since my father is half wizard-half Muggle (one of no magic), there was a chance of one of my parents' kids not having powers, however, they never thought about twins. When wizard families have children, the children take tests throughout their childhood to see if they have magic. At first, both Julia and I failed, but Julia had passed when she was 3½ years old. I once heard my mother and father speaking about me, calling me a 'Bloomer' of some sort. My parents still taught me the simple things like reading, writing and the thing you don't need a wand for, like really easy Potions, but after our mum died when we were 6, all that stopped. I was never tested again since then, for my dad became engulfed in his job at Sauntersville's Famous Muggle Artifacts Shop, where he works hard for a man named Dravis Quimby. Now Julia goes to school, and I don't. Julia goes to one of the best schools in Europe, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She'll be in her fifth year when school starts in 3 weeks.

rating - awful, je - student (new to school)

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