3162: Penny Baker - Persephone "Perse" "Penny" Baker

Jan 11, 2014 18:46

Here is day thirty-four. Today's Sue is a Penny as the next character for Disney Sue week is Penny from Rescue Rangers. That also said... this is the summary for the story. “This is the story of a halfblood called Persephone Baker called Penny or Perce. Rated T for tiny bit of violence in the later chapter.”

TITLE: Penny Baker
PERPETRATOR: LibertyBelle2049
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of the writers avatar, which is of some Anime character.

FULL NAME: Persephone “Perce” “Penny” Baker (You know... Perce sounds to much like a nickname for Percy Weasley.) We also have a Victoria McGonagall
SPECIES: Penny is McGonagall's grand daughter.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: She has a pet owl named Victoria.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story opens up with Minerva's daughter Victoria complaining about not ever wanting to go to Hogwarts. (You know... there aren't many schools in England that specialize in magic. She goes to work in a pub in Dublin and marries the bartender. When Death Eaters attack and Victoria has to step in he decides to leave his daughter and wife. Dumbledore gives McGonagall Penny's letter instead of sending it in the mail and letting Victoria make her own decisions. We then see her sorted, no time and diagon. There is the singing of the school song, and a rather long sorting.
ORIGIN: Penny was born on November 23 of Fred and George's class and is in Gryffindor. She is also a half-blood
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Victoria wants nothing to do with magic.

NOTES:I believe the writer's sister translated the story. Points for not making her McGonagall's daughter during Harry's year, only to have the points lost for not remembering that McGonagall is her maiden name. At the beginning of the fic I thought to myself, “I think I would like it better if Victoria was a squib.” As it progressed I felt more this way, particularly when Victoria pretty much has her hand forced about letting the girl go. She could have just as easily have said no in a letter, particularly on her stance of “no magic”. This could have almost been an okay.


The date went well and they after a pair of months they were married. His name was Michael Baker and he was a lawyer. Everything was perfect. Victoria nearly forgot about her heritage, but only nearly.

After 1 month of marriage Victoria got pregnant. On the 23rd of November a healthy baby girl was born. Her name was Persephone Baker.

As Persephone got 2 months an incident happened. While she was safe asleep there were loud bangs from the door. Michael went to open the door. There stood cloaked figures which held strange sticks in Michaels face. Michael was paralyzed. He didn't understand what was going on. He could hear the figures shouting "You filthy muggle!" over and over again. Victoria ran downstairs in her nightie. She was also holding a stick. Somehow she got the cloaked figures to leave. Then she explained everything to Michael. She was a witch and their daughter too. In the same night Michael packed his things and left. He was too frightened of this two… things.

Years passed by and Persephone became as beautiful as her mother, but to be honest, she was also smarter.

When she was 4 she showed the first sign of magic. Her mother came home with a man called Peter. He was an accountant. Persephone came too really like him. But after 6 months it ended. She was really mad at her mother. That day all glasses in the house broke. Over the years it came to more of those incidents.

Penny's POV

Even though I really loved my mother, she often kept secrets from me. Well, back then. But the biggest secret fell when I was nearly eleven. It was the night before my 11th birthday to be exact. I normally slept like a rock (according to my mum), but that night I was woken up by an argument. At first I thought it was my mother with her boyfriend, but the second voice was female too. So I decided to investigate. I slowly sneaked to the kitchen where the argument took place.

"Don't be so immature, Victoria. She's just like you…", said the unknown female voice.

"No, she isn't! She is great. She's the complete opposite of me. Why would you even think that…", shot my mother back.

"Of course she is. Why else would Professor Dumbledore give me the letter and say 'Visit your granddaughter'?"

"No, but…"

related to mcgonagall, rating - bad

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