3157 - The New Gryffindor Princess - Merida Roslynne/Ross/McGonagall, Verina

Jan 06, 2014 00:24

I decided to do some research into the film that was crossed over with yesterdays fic. I found this review from Variety written by Gold back on Wednesday, March 17, 1971.

Anyways... here is day twenty nine of Disney Sue week. Today we pick a Sue based on the newest offical Disney Princess named Merida.

Don't forget about the fanfic contest. You'll find the info under the tags.

TITLE: The New Gryffindor Princess
PERPETRATOR: Princess Day Dream
COVER/BANNER ART: It is their avaatar, which is a piece of heart jewlery.

FULL NAME: Merida Roslynne/Ross/McGonagall, Vevina
SPECIES: She is McGonagall's daughter who was married to someone named Elphinstone Urquart.
HAIR: Her hair is “red-brown”. In the same paragraph it is described as “auburn waves”.
MARKINGS:She has a “delicate, heart-shaped face.”
POSSESSIONS: She gets a letter her first day telling her that she will be late.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter involves Merida randomly showing up because she got expelled during the middle of the year. Chapter two features her daughter bawling to get what she wants and she ends up asking what her name would be. Chapter three she meets Ginny and because “...Ginny is a nickname, can you please not call me Merida?” Chapter three has her bragging to the Slytherins with this line. "I'm not stupid, I'm not little and I'm not a Blood Traitor, because I'm not a Pureblood and I'm proud that I'm not, because the Pureblood families who believe in Blood Traitors are the stupid ones. They're vile, cruel and pathetic." Cahpter five has her Sue friend Vevina show up... she's actually her cousin. Draco has to regain her friendship 'cause he made her cry.
ORIGIN: “Professor McGonagall, the Queen of Gryffindor, has been in control of all situations in her fifteen years as Head of the Lion House. But when a teenage girl named Merida Roslynne arrives after being expelled from Beauxbattons, Minerva has more than one problem when she has to deal with the new Gryffindor princess. Minerva is about the same age as the Marauders in this fic.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: McGonagall says “Merida, you don't have a place at Hogwarts, you know that. You can't come here.” To which her daughter says... “But I do, Mum! I do have a place here! The professor told me that you skipped my name on the list when you sent out the letters, then sent me to Beauxbatttons with Vevi instead! He kept my place Mum. I can tay, he said so!” (That's not how things work) She also says of McGonagall... “"Mum, no offence, but being a feminist wasn't the only reason you didn't take Dad's name and it wasn't the only reason you didn't give it to me either!" the younger pointed out. She also is Slytherin? I mean... why are Slytherin's mentioned in the one chapter like they are when she is in Gryffindor? Oh... and lets not forget the angst. And a parasite sue.

NOTES: When I read the summary I thought we would have to deal with some kind of social pariah as well as social ladder. That wasn't the case... but it is just as bad. There is a major lack of understanding of the characters in this fic.


"Would you like to come here, child?" called Dumbledore. The girl rose to her feet in silence, her red-brown hair reflecting the light onto the stone. Minerva's mouth dropped open in shock as the girl's auburn waves fell away from her face, revealing Minerva's features mirrored in her delicate, heart-shaped face.

"Merida?" breathed McGonagall, staring at the girl's emerald green eyes. The girl replied in a Scottish accent a little softer than the stern woman's.

"Hello, Mum."

rating - toxic, related to mcgonagall

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