3151: Different - Leia Kurtif

Dec 31, 2013 21:19

Here is day twenty-three. We have another character adopted into the Disney franchise with George Lucas selling his studio over to Disney and that is Princess Leia.

TITLE: Different
PERPETRATOR: Fred is awesome (Haven't we have something from her before? I could be wrong.)

FULL NAME: Leia Kurtif
SPECIES: Our Sue is from Norway and transferred from Durmstrang.
HAIR: “My hair fitted me, jet black, like no-one would know. You wouldn't have known there was such a black possible unless you'd seen it on me.”
EYES: “My eyes were cool too. Green with noticeable ice blue specks in them. They could pierce through anything. Not in the literal sense. That was one of the things I couldn't do.”
MARKINGS: She has a dark mark that was forced upon her.
POSSESSIONS: Nothing specific.
CONNECTION TO CANON: “I had come back from playing at my friend, Mary's house, and I saw Dad there with a scary looking man. I mean scary. He scared me. I did not let that show though. That wasn't like me. I was a strange child, even from a young age.” What does Voldemort want? Her blood to mix with her blood in a potion to place on the cut he makes to get her blood. Her father whines in his mind about “Why is she getting all the attention? Why couldn't one of us more faithful servants do it?” Then she whines about how “I don't heal myself anymore. It takes too much out of me.” She ends up running away so she can go to Hogwarts instead and nobody of course suspects a thing. She ends up sorted into Gryffindor. The twins of course realize she is weird and she of course reads their mind and knows it. Lots of whining and angst from her of course and she ends up being taken by the twins to their dorm room. She decides to threaten to take their memory via mind control by going into the “memory chamber” and they let her. This is just the first chapter but from the looks of it... its the most exciting one. The others are just her interacting with the twins. And having lots of whining and angst of course. George of course hugs and comforts her. Eventually Mad-Eye Moody is rescued from his trunk. She's kidnapped and rescued by George because of her mental link and Dumbledore is buried. It ends and we find out that “George was my soul mate. We'd always be together. Now and forever.” For being such a special person she doesn't do anything.
ORIGIN: To quote the summary... “Leia was different. Her past was different to others. She had powers other's could only dream of. As a result, no-one was allowed to be her friend, she let no-one in. But what happens when certain people push themselves in? My NaNoWriMo story!” Voldemort of course wants her because her special. Irony here is there is the claim that “... no-one was allowed to be her friend, she let no-one in...” but we have a contadiction. She clearly describes herself as coming from a friend's house.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “I could make people shrink back from the intensity of one of my looks, though. I had done it many times before, still do, if needs be. It was a good defence mechanism. That's what my Father said.” “Well, I was coming-How about I explain it using memories instead, hey? It's a lot easier for me, my being telekinetic and everything. She is able to see a person's death date through numbers that show up in their eyes. “I learnt English from my Mother, she was English and wished for me to be able to speak it. I still had my Norwegian accent, just speaking English. I found it hard to grasp at first, but it got easier.” She snubs Severus when he dies because he's not the man she thought he was. In a way that is one of the few good things in this fic. I mean... it means that she can't read his mind of all people. Oh... and her son Fred II and her daughter Roxanne have an immunity to numbers. (Yes... we get sue babies at the end.)

NOTES: This was the writer's NaNoWriMo project for 2011 and she has over seventy thousand words for it so I'll say congrats on that. There is also a fic about the wedding and her son Fred Weasley II. (You know... I may cover the second one when this is all said and done.)


I grimaced as I looked up at the... Monstrosity that was before me. That's what it was. Others said the Hogwarts Express. I said Monstrosity. I looked behind me, not knowing what to expect. I just saw more kids running around with their trunks. I sneered in disgust as I watched them. Stupid kids, why couldn't they just stay still? I huffed and pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. My hair fitted me, jet black, like no-one would know. You wouldn't have known there was such a black possible unless you'd seen it on me. My eyes were cool too. Green with noticeable ice blue specks in them. They could pierce through anything. Not in the literal sense. That was one of the things I couldn't do. I could make people shrink back from the intensity of one of my looks, though. I had done it many times before, still do, if needs be. It was a good defence mechanism. That's what my Father said.

My own family weren't here, thank Godric. I would be screwed if they found me. I ran away, you see. You wouldn't blame me. My home life was hell. Especially since Voldemort wasn't around to protect me from Father. I was from Norway, meaning I had lived quite near to my old school, Durmstrang, but if you don't, you're going to see. Well, I was coming-How about I explain it using memories instead, hey? It's a lot easier for me, my being telekinetic and everything.

I had come back from playing at my friend, Mary's house, and I saw Dad there with a scary looking man. I mean scary. He scared me. I did not let that show though. That wasn't like me. I was a strange child, even from a young age.

'Is this her, Kurtif?' the man sneered. I listened to him and was curious as to why he called Father by our last name. That was rude. He also spoke in perfect Norwegian, causing me to be able to understand him. He didn't look Norwegian. Yet, he could speak it perfectly. Then I realised he was probably using a translation charm. Ah, the joys of magic. I looked up at him, moving my long black hair out of my face and staring at him through my strange eyes. I saw him twitch and smirked. I knew my eyes freaked him out. He just wouldn't show it.

'Yes, this is Leia.' Father nodded, whilst I continued to stare at this man and HIS freak eyes. Bright red, as if they were bleeding. Not as good as mine. They didn't have MY effect. I was one of a kind, even back then, I was amazing.

'Well, Leia, you are going to be a very special person to me...' the man nodded, and I shook my head.

'No, I want to stay with Mummy!' I said fiercely. Father stepped forward and slapped me across the face, sending me sprawling across the floor, his face twisted in rage.

'Don't you DARE refuse the Dark Lord!' he snarled. I was shaking violently, but still managed to glare at Father, causing him to cower away, trying to look scary, but failing. I wasn't scared of him. Never was, never will be. Happy with my Father's reaction, I looked up at the man and smirked as he twitched again. I refused to cry. He knew that.

'Now, Kurtif, leave her. I like her attitude. Leia, I will not take you from your family. Although you are going to be my... Eh, weapon.' he said, his mouth turning into a sinister smile. I shook my head again, and gasped when I was kicked in the ribs by Father. The man knelt down beside me, his facial expression completely different. 'I do not like it when people refuse me!' he growled. I shivered as I felt his breath on my neck and nodded. His expression changed in a flash, and he went back to a soft, but intimidating face. 'You'll do it?' he asked. I flinched. I'd have to. I nodded slowly and looked into his eyes.

'I will, but first. I wish to know your name. You know mine. It is only manners.' I said firmly, the Norwegian language giving it a bit of an intimidating tone. Yes, I was three, yes, my language was rather advanced. I had grown up quickly, learnt to speak, learnt to be polite, it was life. He chuckled softly.

'My name is Voldemort,' he said, taking my nod as indication to continue. Voldemort. I'd be able to remember that. Probably. 'Now, we must get started.' he said, helping me up from the ground and waving his wand so the pain left my body, causing me to smile in gratitude. 'Hold out your left arm.' he ordered. I raised an eyebrow. What was he going to do to me? I lifted it up, still worried about what he was going to do. I wish I'd known now, I may have been able to stop him. He touched his wand to my forearm and I hissed in pain as it burnt fiercely. It was as if fire was burning through my veins, but coming to rest at the place where he'd put his wand, and the area around it. I felt him take his wand off and I chanced a look at it, seeing a tattoo. I looked at it and smiled. Then, I noticed something as Father held his arm out to compare them. Ours were similar. Not the same, though. His was a black skull with snakes protruding from it, whereas mine was a black skull with daggers coming out, covered in blood, surrounded by a circle which looked as if it were dripping blood. Father looked at me and frowned. I didn't know what he was thinking, but I wanted to know. Soon I'd be able to.

'Hold out your right wrist.' Voldemort commanded. I complied straight away, and he pulled a sharp looking knife out of his robes. I looked at it, not fearfully, but awestruck. I was a strange girl, even then. I say it again so you know what I mean. Everyone commented about it. I didn't care though.

'That's a nice knife!' I grinned. He lowered it and slid his index finger across it, before looking at me.

'Thank you. Now, don't pull your wrist back, no matter what.' he said. I nodded and he quickly slit my wrist and I gasped, watching the warm red blood dribble down my wrist and into a jar he had conjured. I wasn't scared. No way. Just... Surprised. He took the jar back and started to add ingredients and separate potions to it, and finally, his own blood. It hissed and bubbled as this dropped in and I raised my eyebrows, liking the sound. It sounded way cool. He lifted it up and looked at me, expecting me to back away, looking surprised when I didn't. He poured the mixture onto the cut he had made and I winced until he put some Phoenix Tears onto it and it healed up immediately. I grimaced and looked into Voldemort's eyes.


I raised my eyebrows in confusion. 'Why can I see numbers in your eyes?' I asked, curiously. I couldn't do that before. He winced and I smirked, liking the way I made him feel uncomfortable.

'Don't tell me them. That will be my death. Which will be in hundreds of years.' he said firmly. I gaped at him, but nodded. He didn't need to know his number. It was coming, though. I wanted to warn him. He seemed like a good guy, he hadn't hurt me like Father had, he seemed to get me, but he told me not to tell him, and I respected him enough not to. One fact that interested me was that this was the day after my birthday. May day was my birthday. He'd die the day after.

This girl will be amazing...

'Thank you, Voldemort, I hope I will be.' I smiled, holding back a laugh as his eyes widened slightly. He cocked his head to the side, as if viewing something terrifically rare and interesting.

'Interesting...' he muttered. Then his eyes perked up, as if an idea came to his head. 'Concentrate on this stone here,' he instructed, taking a stone from his robes. I stared at it and took it into my mind, making sure it was the only thing I was thinking about. It was difficult at first, but it got easier. 'Now, squish your index finger and your thumb together.' he said, so I did. I gasped as the stone crumpled into millions of pieces. A small grin appeared on my face.

'Now, THAT is cool!' I decided. He nodded breathlessly, and I could hear his mind whirling around, thinking many thoughts at once. He was happy though. I could sense that.

'Try to repel this curse using a shield.' he said, taking his wand out in a flash and pointing it at me.

'But I don't-' I started, but it was too late and he shot a curse at me. I quickly projected something I didn't even know I had. A shield. The spell bounced off harmlessly, aiming back at Voldemort and he repelled it lazily. I smirked at him and decided to be creative with my new found abilities. I raised my hand and used my mind to pick up a book in the room and send it flying at Voldemort. He grimaced and waved his wand, keeping it away from him. I grinned and concentrated my energy onto my feet, causing myself to hover a few feet off of the ground. I looked at Father, to see him still frowning, and decided to tune into his thoughts.

Why is she getting all the attention? Why couldn't one of us more faithful servants do it?

I scowled as I heard him think and decided to project my thoughts into his head. Or, rather, to see if I could actually do it.

Maybe because he knows I'll become more devoted than you? Or that I'll last longer?

rating - toxic, am - psychic/mutant (non-canon)

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