(no subject)

Dec 23, 2013 17:10

Day sixteen of Disney Sue Week. One of the official Disney Princesses happens to be Jasmine from Aladdin. I have also a link of the day, an older entry that today's entry reminded me of.

TITLE: The Silver Fox and the Wood Elf
PERPETRATOR: gamma pedro

FULL NAME: Getsuei Tanaka and Jasmine Oakwood, Yuki and Yumi.
SPECIES: See origin.
HAIR: See markings.
EYES: See markings.
MARKINGS: “My form stands at 5'5 and has a lean, muscular build. I have fair skin, much like my American counterpart, and bright, blue eyes. My hair tends to be the thing that draws people's attention the most since it's silver and tends to appear windswept, despite my efforts to smooth it down, which is the reason for my name, which translates to "moon". Another distinct feature is my elongated canines, which quite a few of my students back in Kyoto think are so "kawaii."
POSSESSIONS: They have a special file with information about Harry Potter.
CONNECTION TO CANON: They arrive at the train station in chapter one. They meet Harry and the others on the train in chapter two and Hermione says “Hogwarts has a transfer program? […] I've never heard of such a thing.” (Yeah... right.) Instead of Lupin saving them it is Getsuei. Luna apparently know about the “...enclave of Imperial Dragons living near Mount Hotaka.”
ORIGIN: “In fact, we're not even human. My friend Jasmine Oakwood is what people call a Wood Elf. She was born in June 21st, 1759 and was actually present during the Revolutionary War in the US, mostly due to her family's forest being used as a base of operations at various points in the war.” And... “I, on the other hand, am called Getsuei Tanaka, and no, I'm no elf. I was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, where no elves are known to reside unless they wanted to go insane at the amount of different types of magical beings and creatures. I am what's known in Japanese folklore as a Kitsune, magical fox people that are known for their longevity and have a reputation as pranksters and tricksters. I was born in the Kyoto forests on January 14th, 1740.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: See origin for starters. Getsuei uses the word Norms for those who aren't special creatures. Oh, and then there is the fact they're supposed to keep Harry safe. (Yeah... it's another one of those.) Getsuei can perform a Patronus and hers is of course a fox. This is because “My parents always saw to it that I was prepared for any situation.” (Um... no.) Jasmine can see thestrals because she lived through the violence of the Revolutionary war as well as WWII. (I'm now wanting to bang my head against the wall.) “In other races, however, Seers are common, usually among centaurs, high elves, and Kitsune. Yumi and Yuki are Seers, but they don't go through those episodes that humans tend to experience when they have a prophecy. Depending on the severity of the vision, they prefer to drop hints or tell riddles if it's a trivial thing.” And of course Luna may have the ability which is why this is brought up. “I had to magically suppress my hearing every time a student got sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin. Fox ears are extremely sensitive and we thrive in open spaces because of that; the same could be said about elves.” Both have lengthy conversations with the sorting hat before being placed into Gryffindor.

NOTES: Here is the author's note for the first chapter.

Hey guys.

This is my first fic and it's being co-written by myself and a friend. I'll upload these when I can, but I'll try for at least one chapter per week. There are no pairings for now, but we are open to suggestions. Reviews are very much appreciated and flames will be used to cook burgers.

This is NOT a self-insert. The OCs are WAY cooler than us.


- Gamma

Despite the fact one of the writer says that Getsuei and Jasmine are not self-inserts they actually admit in the very next sentence that the two characters are self-inserts without realizing it. Also... we have POV change in annoying places as well as eight chapters that really don't have much substance.




"Why did we get dragged into this?"

"Because we owe the old man a favour."

"Right, right…Why do we owe him?"

"Does the name Gellert mean anything to you?"


*Smacks arm* "Stop that!"

"Fine! Geez, Jaz!" I complained, rubbing my arm while my best friend Jasmine and I walked down King's Cross Station in search for our platform. She can be so irritable sometimes.

"Quit your whining, Getsuei! You're two-hundred and fifty-three years old!" Jasmine scolded me, dropping her voice into a whisper when she mentioned my age. "Act your age!"

I rolled my eyes, earning me another smack on the shoulder. "Okay," I stopped fooling around and just glanced at my train ticket. "So, Platform 9 ¾?" I raised my eyebrow at the name.

"Apparently the entrance is supposed to be located between platforms 9 and 10," Jasmine explained, eyeing me curiously. "How long has it been since you went to Hogwarts?"

"Let's see…a few years after the American Revolution?" I replied, when she tilted her heard, I clarified, "It was for the last Tri-wizard Tournament that actually had a winner. They didn't have trains back then, not that we would've ridden it anyway."

"I went a bit over forty years ago because one of the professors invited me to a party," Jasmine told me. "A professor Slughorn, I think his name was. He was somewhat pleasant." I nodded my head thoughtfully.

e - asian, rating - awful, ct - demon (full/youkai), ct - elf (full), jr - guardian (legal guardian), e - american, e - japanese

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