(no subject)

Dec 18, 2013 21:06

Here is day thirteen. Giselle is from Disney's Enchanted.

TITLE: The Blessing
PERPETRATOR: CharmingBiliusWeasley

FULL NAME: Giselle Chia
SPECIES: She is the Dursley's new foster child. (Actually, that isn't what she would be called. She would be called an exchange student. Even the words “immersion program” that is used in the summary isn't accurate I think.)
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: She is the spitting image of her mother.
POSSESSIONS: She has a sister named Odette. “One kitten in particular caught Giselle's eye. It was a black, with a white tipped tail and white paws, and another triangular blob of white fur near the nose. It's green eyes looked innocently up at her, and it rose up on its hind legs to bat the wire of the cage.” "Rowan and Dragon Heartstring, twelve and a half inches, inflexible." "This wand is made of Rowan wood, whose match is always in a witch or wizard of great virtue, who is pure of heart, and goes very strongly by morals. Not many have these qualities. Those who did possess them were rare, years ago, and now, precious few have pure intentions.” “Dragon Heartstring, however, is seen as a dark core, for it can turn to dark magic quickly. These are very contradictory materials, Miss Chia. The only people who have this type of wands also have certain... Special abilities. Gifts from the heavens, you could say."”
CONNECTION TO CANON: The Dursley family is picking her up and Vernon tries to hook her up with ugly Dudley. (You know... since Dudley is supposed to be fifteen we have a bit of a problem describing him as still being fat you know.) Voldemort finds out about the special prophesy from Christiana Renalds and then kills her. Dudley of course flirts with her. We then proceed to have a parasite sue as we have the Dementors show up like they do in canon. I only really got up to chapter seven and that's because I read the chapter title and knew the stuff about her wand would be mentioned.
ORIGIN: Giselle Chia is fifteen, from Singapore, and living with the Dursleys for the duration of her 6- month immersion program, including the summer holidays. She meets Harry Potter and finds out just a little bit more about herself, and realises that she has something others would kill to get, and kill they will to get it.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's supposed to act lady like but of course has a “loud, sarcastic, and startlingly spontaneous” personality. “The source of her grace was her dance lessons, and of course a good case of nerves which kept her constantly in a stiff and well mannered position.” She gets a special prophesy too. “"A girl. A girl has come to England. She will be the key to Harry Potter's success, the key to your destruction. Without her, the Boy who Lived will be unable to find and destroy the secret of your half-life. However, she could also be a great weapon for you, if you know how to wield her well." "Yes, there is! You're fifteen, with no prior magical education, and you show up right when a war is about to start! If we get you a proper education, a proper environment, you could help us to defeat Voldemort, but if he gets to you... He'll have one more witch, one more follower, he'll grow stronger because we didn't do anything when we had the chance! This is serious, you've got to get to Hogwarts, see Dumbledore, I reckon he can help you catch up till the end of fourth year pretty quickly, yeah..."

NOTES: You know... the Dursley's wouldn't dare have an exchange student in their house as they would have problems. The writer is... by the way... fourteen. Oh... and I believe the Sue is to be paired with Fred. Despite being bored with this Parasite Sue I went and found this in chapter seven. “Ah, worries, worries... If any of you are wondering I AM going to put in a few pretty major personality flaws, she will NOT be a Barbie doll.” She then proceeds to ask what she should use as flaws when it is right there in the first chapter. Of course... flaws aren't the only thing that can make your character a Sue oh powers that be.


Giselle sat on one of the seats at King's Cross Station, utterly overwhelmed by everything that was going on. A few months before, she had submitted a form to go to Britain for an immersion program. Now, here she was, with her bags neatly packed and leaning against her legs which were crossed at the ankle in the most ladylike fashion, when in fact she was not ladylike at all. Giselle, despite the extremely refined name, was loud, sarcastic, and startlingly spontaneous. The source of her grace was her dance lessons, and of course a good case of nerves which kept her constantly in a stiff and well mannered position.

Vernon Dursley was in a particularly foul mood after picking up his extremely troublesome nephew Harry Potter. "Ruddy idiot, bringing nutters with one eye to King's Cross. Think you can threaten me, eh boy? Well think again! I've got the law on my side, yes I do. You can't threaten me!" He was unaware of how loud his supposedly inaudible and incoherent grumbling was until he caught his nephew (ungrateful little thing, should have left him at the orphanage while I had the chance) staring at him with an amused expression. "What are you staring at boy? Move it!" he growled in a most irritated manner, causing the Potter boy to snicker softly.

To top it off, Mr Dursley also had to find some girl whom his family had to host for the next few months, thanks to the government thinking that he wouldn't mind taking in another child. (if she turns out to be one of his lot, I'm sending her straight back where she came from and changing the family name) Yes, he was most shaken and befuddled today, and wanted nothing better than to go back to his unobtrusive, perfectly normal house and have a perfectly normal cup of tea.

"Dursley! What a coincidence to see you today! How are the drills going, old chap?" Giselle turned around in her seat, spotting a short, slightly balding man addressing a much larger one and clapping him on the shoulder. A man who sported a moustache that reminded her very much of Adolf Hitler, and looked much like a walrus. Without the tusks, of course. Next to him was a boy about her age, with dirty, greasy blonde hair who was completely red in the face and puffing and he walked. (I suppose I'll be living with an overgrown pomegranate) On his other side was a skinny black haired boy sporting round glasses, whose clothes were much too big for him. In fact, with the way the fabric seemed overly stretched at certain areas, they looked very much like the other boy had outgrown them and passed them on to his poor skinny... Acquaintance.

Standing up and reminding herself not to cringe at the sight of her foster family, (not one female, and the only person who looked half decent also looked slightly abused) Giselle gathered her bags and walked towards the group. "Mr Dursley? I'm Giselle Chia, your err... Temporary (thank goodness) foster child"

e - asian, rating - awful, je - student (new to school)

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