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Jun 29, 2013 21:14

Yesterday the power went out at a very bad time for me, so I wasn't able to post an entry.

TITLE: SoulBound
PERPETRATOR: xoxlollipop
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover art is a picture of a hear necklace that has winds attached to it. The wings are made of jewels. Underneath is the title of the fic.

FULL NAME: Draco Malfoy and Alyssa chung
SPECIES: Draco is a fanon!veela. (Sorry Suethors, but the Veela you write in your stories is nowhere near canon.) Alyssa is his mate. Her mother is English and her father Chines-American.
HAIR: Draco's hair is “...platinum blond hair seems to be to be glowing under the expensive chandelier...” Alyssa has “...thick black hair...”.
EYES: This is how Draco's eyes are described. “It was the eyes; the normally silvery grey eyes are now hard cold steel, the stare was chilling, as if he can destroy you with a single glance. Alyssa has “...large hazel eyes framed by thick lashes.”
MARKINGS: Draco has “skin pale”. He also has “... high cheekbones, soft pink lips, and a slim but muscular 5'9 frame. He looks angelic... almost.” Alyssa has “...a heart shaped face, high cheekbones, pale sensitive skin...” “Everything else, from thick black hair, to facial features, to height, and small frame came from her Chinese roots on her father's side. In short, Alyssa does not strike a willowy and tall imposing figure, no, she's actually quite a petite little thing, fragile looking, like a porcelain doll.”
POSSESSIONS: Surprisingly there was nothing that really stood out.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story opens up with Draco and Lucius discussing how Draco has been unable to find his soul mate and that he has only “another 22 months before [he dies] of a broken heart”. The second chapter is filled with Draco having a load of angst. Third chapter is Draco bemoaning the fact, “he's handsome, the many "girlfriends" he had was proof of that. He's smart as shown on his straight O report card. He's rich, look at where he lives! He's a Malfoy for Merlin's sake!” and Lucius decided that they have to join Potter's side as Draco. Chapter four is him getting back to school and is title “The Three Musketeers”, likely a reference to Draco and his friends.. He then has to apologize to the Golden Trio. He then gets Hermione's help to find Alyssa. Hermione of course gets curious as to why he's looking for a Muggle and does some research. Lucius is finding himself having to flee. Draco then gets into a spat with Daphne about her being his fake girlfriend and how she's “turning [her] back on all men, and devoting [herself] to Circe and magic”. Eventually he tells her and she gets mad. He then seeks out Hermione's parents. Draco then has to use a memory charm on Hermione. Finally, at chapter fourteen we get to meet Alyssa. Hermione tries to warn her, but can't remember. Draco is able to meet her the next chapter. Lucius is fine with their relationship because “..contrary to popular belief, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy is not a muggle hater. “ I think they mean contrary to canon here... but oh well. And then it pretty much gets boring and is all about Draco and Alyssa dating.
ORIGIN: The origins is fandoms sick and twisted version of how Vella are supposed to work.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: It's yet another story where Draco is part Vella and we get all this non-canon Vella stuff where they have to find their mate. Also, Draco happens to dream of his mate and he apparently can identify her by her scent. Also, according to Lucius only one person should have her scent, but Draco identified three other people to have her scent. All of them are Muggle. In chapter thirteen Draco says he's at the top of their class. (Umm... no... Hermione was... canon fact.) As for the Heroine... “By the end of this school year she will be graduating at the tender age of 17, becoming Formatia Academy's youngest valedictorian of the graduating class. She has already been accepted into several amazing business schools throughout Europe and the United States.”

NOTES: I'm honestly not sure what is worse... Vella!Draco's soul mate being Hermione or some other canon character... or some random OC like this. Alyssa... she very much seems like the writer's insert and the whole Vella thing sounds way to convenient. Not to mention the fact soul mates doesn't work this way, nor does dying of a broken heart. On the positive side of things, there are no plot holes outside of canon defilement and the characters being OoC. Which isn't unusual. Sadly... it gets a toxic for the level of canon defilement and making the Malfoy family horribly OoC.


He was so close, he could've sworn he had found her, and then he was tricked again.

Two months. That's how long he had been searching for her. Ever since that life changing experience on June 5th, the day he turned 15. He snarled viciously and threw an electric blue spell at an antique vase causing it to explode.

"Control yourself son." Three words, simple yet commanding

Draco stilled and sucked in a sharp angry breath and turned slowly around staring impassively as his father glided down the crystal spiral staircase, matching grey eyes met his own.

"You have not found her yet." Lucius Malfoy stated.

Draco tensed and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do not fret Draco, it has only been two months, perhaps you will meet her in Hogwarts this coming year." Lucius said, his eyes then flickered to the remains of the shattered vase, "Or maybe not, your mother would be most displeased with you, destroying the antique vase, she may very well make you stay at home as punishment"

ct - veela (part), e - asian, stu - draco malfoy, rating - toxic, ap - academic pursuit, e - american, e - chinese

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