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Jun 24, 2013 22:33

Here is day twenty-seven. Today Hufflepuff is up.

TITLE: Sophia's Story
PERPETRATOR: Hufflepuffpride21124
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of their avatar, which is the four Hogwarts mascots with ribbons behind them.

FULL NAME: Sophia Weaver
SPECIES: She is a fan of the Harry Potter series.
HAIR: At first “[her] new haircut was terribly uneven”, but the next morning “[she] brushed [her] hair [she] couldn't believe [her] eyes, [her] hair was perfectly even in length”. (Honestly, I'm not understanding what the big deal here is as some styles of hair cuts are supposed to be terribly uneven, or even slightly uneven.)
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: A set of the Harry Potter books. McGonagall says “"those books are the product of a half mad, muggle born witch. She got the majority of the story right but before the final battle she was put under the crutiatus curse for several minutes and her sanity slipped even more. There was a final battle at Hogwarts but she got many of the deaths wrong, for example, Remus and Nymphadora Lupin were hit with the very same curse that Hermione Granger was in the Department of Mysteries that made them seem as if they had died. Fred Weasley was severely injured and paralyzed and very close to dying but with the amazing work of Poppy Pomphrey he was healed. Although he does walk with a slight limp, he can still be found running his joke shop with his twin. Finally, the last death that never happened was that of Severus Snape, who did go into a coma for several weeks but has since made a full recovery.” Yeah... this wasn't done so that all your favorite characters couldn't be alive. Her want is “sixteen and a half inches, birch wood with unicorn hair and dragon heartstring core.” Instead of an owl, she gets a raven. Also, “I took my shrunken trunk and bags from my pocket before tapping them three times with my wand to return them to normal size. I had gotten a compartmentalized trunk. In the first section I put my messenger bag folders parchment quills and ink bottles as well as extra sketch pads and all of my extensive collection of promarkers. In the second section I put all of the books I bought from Diagon Alley. In the third section I put my uniform sets as well as the cloaks from Madame Malkins. When I got to the fourth section I had to stop for a moment before opening my closet and dresser and I began putting my warm clothes into the compartment including shoes. I then opened the fifth compartment packing all of my summer clothes leaving unpacked only what I would need for the rest of the summer. In the sixth compartment I packed the limited makeup I had as well as my dressier clothes. This left me with one final compartment empty for anything else that I could pack later.” She also has a friend named Camille Bristol
CONNECTION TO CANON: McGonagall shows up at her house announcing that “she has been chosen to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” (I wouldn't call having your name written down being chosen as all students who show magical ability get to go.) We then find out the story takes place after the battle at Hogwarts. While she is in Diagon Alley we find our heroine attacked and she throws off a “levicorpus” spell at her attacker. Despite the fact the term hasn't started up yet and the books make it clear points aren't subtracted before the term starts, Snape says “Mr. Quinn 75 points will be subtracted from Slytherin and you will serve a months' worth of Saturday detentions with me at the start of term as well, as Mr. Filch on Sundays. Do I make myself clear?” (It's not his job to punish them... sigh.) She makes friends with Rose. For some reason dementors show up at her house and she throws off an Expectro Patronum. At least I think this is around her home. It is honestly hard to read with the way the story is formatted. She's then packed off to Lord Slytherin's place, whoever that is.
ORIGIN: “Sophia Weaver thought she was a normal fourteen year old girl with a bad past and bright future with her adopted parents. So how did she end up sitting in her living room talking to Professor McGonagall? Why does the world deal her a such a cruel hand once again as her parents are killed? And where does Severus Snape fit in to all of this? (Snape mentor/father fig. Fic). In the third chapter we find out that “[her childhood was] filled with one set of abusive foster parents after another”. She's also Snape's niece.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She finds out at age fourteen that she has magical powers. She's also able to recognize McGonagall's animangus form from the discription in the books. According to McGonagall she isn't just a witch, she's “a very powerful one at that”. I doubt that though as she wasn't discovered until she turned fourteen. She gets permission from Snape to get a raven instead of an owl. Despite not having any schooling she is able to throw off an “expectro patronum” simply by what she's read in the books because its as easy as thinking of a happy memory and using the encantation.

NOTES: The stories all about the Suethor's OC and the OC friends she makes. The canon characters do show up... but honestly... all the spotlight is on the Sue despite the fact there has been no way to determine why she's as special as the Suethor makes her out to be.


Putting down my Harry Potter book, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had just reread the part about Tonks being a metamorphmagus, wishing it was possible even though I knew it was a bit childish I am fourteen after all. But that didn't really matter to me because my new haircut was terribly uneven. Falling back onto the bed, my imagination took hold as I fell asleep. I dreamt of being able to change my appearance at will.
The next morning I was woken by my mother lightly shaking me telling me, she and my father were leaving for work. I mumbled a goodbye and got up to get ready for the day. As I brushed my hair I couldn't believe my eyes, my hair was perfectly even in length. 'What the hell!' I thought to myself, 'hmmm I wonder if I'm a . . . Never mind that's crazy'. For a second I wondered if being a metamorphmagus was actually possible. "Gee I must be losing it," I muttered to myself and almost instantly countered myself with "You're just as sane as I am." I smirked to myself and went to eat breakfast while trying to decide what to do for the day. I decided to take a walk down to the park with my sketch pad and my replica wand I had bought at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which I brought everywhere with me. (Not that my parents knew though, they would think I hand gone mad if they did.) As I locked the door I noticed an unfamiliar cat with odd spectacle like markings around its eyes, sitting on the window sill. A memory of McGonagall's animagus form flashed through my mind before I shrugged it off and started the short walk to the park. As I sat on a bench and opened my sketchpad I noticed the cat had followed me. I took a candy bar from my pocket and broke off a piece. "Come here little kitty," I cooed. The cat gracefully jumped up beside me and looked at me with oddly intelligent eyes. I broke off a piece of the bar and put it in front of the cat to eat. I then started eating the rest of the bar as I tried to decide what I could draw. As I came to the last bite, I gave it to the cat, deciding I would draw the cat or as much of it as I could before it decided to leave. As my hand began moving swiftly across the page the cat sat up a bit as if it was watching my progress. A while later I had a very detailed sketch of the cat, which was still sitting next to me. Sarcastically, I said, "Do want to see the finished product?" to my surprise the cat jumped up onto the table and looked down at the drawing before it. "Well aren't you a smart cat, I think I'm gonna call you Professor, because you remind me of someone in my favorite book." The cat looked up at me with knowing eyes before looking back down at the paper. "You see Professor; it's about witches and wizards, and the adventures of Harry Potter. I even have a fake wand," I swiftly took it from where it was previously hidden in my boot. "I take it almost everywhere even though it's not real." The cat gave me a knowing look as I replaced my wand and gathered my things to head back to my house. The strange cat did not follow and I did not see it for the rest if the day. When my parents got home around 5:30 I helped make dinner, and as they were all sitting down for dinner there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it only to be startled to see a woman with graying hair pulled back into a tight bun. Her glasses were perched on the bridge of her nose. I bore a striking resemblance to what I imagined Minerva McGonagall would look like, I tried to shake my thoughts away, as I politely said "Hello, how can I help you?"

rating - awful, je - student (new to school), related to snape, pc - fangrrl/otaku

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