(no subject)

May 31, 2013 09:59

Here is day six. We'll be featuring an entry from a writer with the name Ravenclaw in their user name.

TITLE: Harry Potter and the Scholar of Mystery
PERPETRATOR: Matt of Ravenclaw

FULL NAME: Mathew McGonagall/MacDougal, the four founders
SPECIES: He's pretty much the replacement for Ron Weasley And yet Ron is still there.
HAIR: Matt has “unkempt, brown hair.
EYES: Matt has “hazel eyes”.
MARKINGS: Matt “seemed to be just as tall as Ron, but his arms and legs seemed to give him a stockier form.”
POSSESSIONS: A very annoying personality as well as no logical reason to be a part of the canon.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry gets done with the forth task when he meets up with a random stranger. Matt tells him not to worry about Ms. Norris. Apparently Peter sneaked onto the grounds to watch the first task. Next, we find out that Matt turned Draco, Gregory and Vincent into “three pinkish-white pigs.” He did it purposefully so that he could be friends with Harry, Hermione and Ron. And of course, he doesn't get in trouble. He then makes Hermione look bad by pointing out how her wanting House Elves to be free is all wrong and Harry starts lobbing stuff off facts against her idea as well. He then chases off Skeeter. There is a fight with Malfoy and company. Snape of all people comes to the friend's defense. That's only the forth chapter... there are eight more and it's likely all like this.
ORIGIN: So the four founders sat down and came to the conclusion that in 2003 three kids would become quite great. It was actually Salazar who came up with the prediction. Ron isn't one of the three though. (I'm assuming from the author's note at the end of the chapter the writer thought this would be a wonderful way to introduce the main characters, but it honestly isn't.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Mathew was invisible without an invisibility cloak until Harry pumped into him because he created an illegal invisibility potion. He's also good friends with Ms. Norris. He also has the ability to transform another human into an animal. He's also a horribly annoying know it all.

NOTES: Oh boy. The story was written back in 2002. The writer's profile says “I'm 21 years old and I'm a creative writing major at the University of Tennessee”. Why do I bring this up? Because their author's note says this. “However, if the good J.K. Rowling is looking for a substitute writer, I will be more then happy to place my own input into her work (particularly if she wants to share the royalties!)”


"According to this text, the rise of this great evil is said to occur only within this reality in the year of 2003. Upon further research, I've determined that this evil could only be defeated by the efforts of three individuals, all of whom are attending Hogwarts at that time."

"And who are these people?" Rowena asked. Instead of answering the question, Slytherin takes the book from her grasp and quickly turns the pages until he arrives at the picture of three people. The first person was a young lady with chocolate-brown eyes and bushy, brown hair. She had a bemused look on her face as she observed the childish antics of the two boys in the picture with her. One of the boys had bright emerald eyes and had black hair that seemed to wait to shoot for the sky. However, what truly enticed Rowena to the young man was a lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

"Yes, Rowena," Slytherin said, answering her question before she even asked it, "this young man survived the Avada Kedavra curse when he was only a baby. The young lady may quite possibly be the brightest witch that I have ever laid eyes upon." Rowena, always an admirer of an intelligent magician, and a witch at that, smiled again at the picture of the young lady. Rowena chuckled at the antics of the two boys, who were playfully fighting one another for the camera.

"What are their names, Salazar?"

"Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Matthew Mcgonagall."

Whew! That was some heavy stuff, don't you think? I apologize for getting out of hand, but I really wanted to get "the big picture" wrapped up before I started in on the little picture. Reviewing is greatly appreciated and flames are as equally appreciated as compliments. After all, how am I going to get better if I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Oops! I forgot my chapter preview!

ph - ravenclaw house, rating - toxic, related to mcgonagall, ap - academic pursuit, am - invisability (non-canon)

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