(no subject)

Apr 09, 2013 14:51

Here is day twenty-three.

Day V: Vampire Academy The main character in the story is Rose Hathaway, a Dhampir. She's going to the academy so she can be her best friends body guard.

TITLE: MidnightRising Yes... she's also written for Twilight.
COVER/BANNER ART: “Blaze Banks” “craziest vampire” “craziest immortal” “your craziest death”

FULL NAME: Rosmarie Hathaway, Edison Castile, Vasilisa Dragomir. Christian Ozera
SPECIES: They're vampires and dhampir, and their houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Mia Rinaldi, Slutherin
HAIR: (I'm not digging through on this one, but Vasilsa is described as a platinum blonde angel in one chapter.)
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: “After Lunch, we were called up to Professor Dumbledore's office. He must have sorted out our uniform, we'd been walking around in what's known here as 'muggle clothes'. Our uniform would be different from the rest of the school. The Moroi would wear blazers, jumpers, skirts and trousers. The Damphirs would wear sweats. These uniforms would have our house colours on.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: They have to go and get sorted. Edison has his house changed by the writer in “Chapter 4”
ORIGIN: According to the summary, “Vladimir academy is closing down and transferring its students to Hogwarts, as a test 5 students from the academy are staying at Hogwarts to see the reactions. How will this test pan out? Not sure of pairings yet! disclaimer: nothing is mine but the idea!” Why would the academy suddenly close though? It seems the academy is way to important to their culture as well as survival to just disband. Draco is suddenly dating Lissa and Rose is mooning over Rose. Christian ends up being summoned to Dumbledore's office and meeting Luna Lovegood. They then get special uniforms instead of their Muggle clothing, which honestly... why would they have sent the students to the school without doing research into the school uniforms? Anyways, the story rambles and finally the writer decided to bring up some action... but it just ends up being confusing and so out of place.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Of Vasilisa the hat says “"You're a born leader, by blood… a royal I believe…. Very resourceful…. Slytherin!"

NOTES: When your prolog consists of less then a hundred words and is just the teacher tellng the students they will be going to another school, something is wrong. Particularly when “Chapter 1” is really just a part of said prolog.



Dumbledore was surely trying to kill us. Vampires. Seriously.

The doors opened at the back of the great hall, four vampires walked in, or at least I thought they were vampires.

Dumbledore began to call out there names, so that they could be sorted.

"Rosemarie Hathaway!"

Lpov (Lissa Dragomir)

Rose stepped forward and sat on the worn out stool, one of the 'professors' placed an equally worn out hat on her head. It began talking "hmm, you are very difficult to place. You are brave like a Gryffindor, but cunning like a Slytherin. You are very loyal…. Has to be…. Gryffindor!"

rating - awful, ct - vampire (part), ct - vampire (full), p - crossover

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