0265: Two sides to every coin - Raven Amarath

Dec 26, 2003 21:40

As I seem to recall, the original reason for giving 'Boxing Day' a name and designating it a holiday was to give people twenty-four hours to kick back, unwind, and recover from Christmas. With that in mind, I would like to propose that the genius who came up with the 'boxing day sale' be publically shot.

TITLE: Two sides to every coin
PERPETRATOR: Iamawriter1 (we'll be the judge of that, thank you)


FULL NAME: Raven Amarath
SPECIES: vampire/witch
HAIR: 'waist length black hair'
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: 'A huge black horse with a mane and tail as white as snow', named Fury.

ORIGIN: Who knows? She's over five hundred years old, but looks eternally seventeen (gosh, how nice).
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Good friends with Snape and McGonagall - Snape calls her 'Dracula'.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Wandless magic, which apparently all Vampires can do. Extra-sensitive hearing etc.

NOTES: Our Sueoine states that the had a choice between going to Hogwarts on this magnificent horse... or in a BMW. This is the second Sue that's mentioned a BMW... the other was our dear old friend, Arwen Malfoy. I think extra eyeballs ought to be awarded for BMW's.

Since when do Vampires drink coffee?


I took a deep breath, inhaling the heady scent of children's excitement and the spices in the food waiting to be served. I could barely see the castle yet, but I was downwind. I kicked into Fury's sides and urged her onwards, after all, it wouldn't look very good if I arrived late on my first day now would it?

I had already begged Caleb to let me use his car, but he didn't trust me with the BMW and instead handed me Fury's reigns, smirking. I should have paid more attention in my apperation classes, that would wipe the smile of the smug git. Oh well, I would make quite a sensation arriving on the magnificent horse anyway. As she galloped towards the castle, I contemplated how menacing we must have looked from afar. A huge black horse with a mane and tail as white as snow approaching with a cloaked rider riding barebacked on it, stooped over it whispering unknown words in its ear.

Oh yes, we must have looked rather threatening.

As we neared the building, I could just make out the pin-pricks of light from all the windows and the endless carriages arriving at the great doors. A vast lake stood below the castle, and it looked as though there were tiny boats floating upon it, heading towards the equally vast grounds of the legendary building.

Finally, I was at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The thought sent shivers of apprehension down my spine and I chuckled quietly to myself on how I was acting like an excitable puppy. Nevertheless, the inner scolding I gave myself did not dampen my excitement in the slightest. I smiled widely but it was quickly wiped away when I noticed the students were already gathered in the great hall, so there would obviously be no time to change into some robes...I knew I should have changed before I arrived.

I leapt easily off of Fury's back when she was still moving and called thanks to her before running swiftly towards the source of the delicious assortment of smells. I cursed Caleb under my breath when I burst into the great hall and realized that I had interrupted something because all the students were silent. I looked up at Dumbledore apologetically and the dear man merely smiled.

"Shall we dig in?" He said, addressing the open mouthed students. Obviously, I had missed the sorting...no big loss. I gave him a thankful smile and pulled off my hooded cloak before walking to the empty seat on the teachers table. There were several moments of silence before hunger got the better of the students and they turned back to their meals, talking excitedly.

"Raven," a voice to my left said coldly after I sat. I turned to face the man and assumed my own icy expression when I regarded him.

"Severus," I replied, aware that once again the hall had gone quiet and the children were whispering. We stared at each other for another minute or so before the corner of his mouth twitched. Mine did to and we both burst into laughter at the same moment. "How are you, you old over grown bat!?" I said, enveloping him in a brisk hug.

"Oh quite well, you can imagine my shock when they announced *you* to be the new DADA teacher!" He exclaimed, returning my hug. I noticed with amusement that the entire hall, including the teachers, had frozen. Dumbledore was the only one who moved at all, and he was munching merrily on a parsnip. Severus seemed to notice and his face assumed the stony 'teacher' look I had witnessed to many times before.

"Carry on," I said to the stunned pupils, waving my hands. I seemed to snap them out of some sort of trance and they all turned away and began murmuring to each other and shoveling food into their mouths like there was no tomorrow. "It's been too long Severus," I said, taking a sip from my goblet and sighing at the warmth of the contents. The house elves had obviously been informed of my...preferences.

"Yes, far too long. When was the last time we talked?"

"Not since the raid of '94 I would say...Time does fly doesn't it? We shall have to chat at some point, I'm most interested to find out what you've been up too recently,"

"I assure you, quite alot has happened since young Mister Potter joined the school," He said, a touch of distaste in his voice. I rolled my eyes dramatically and shook my head, chuckling.

"Severus Snape! Are you still sore over James's little stunt?" I asked, not able to hide the amusement in my voice. Severus merely scowled in reply, which made me laugh harder. As we continued our friendly banter, I barely noticed the woman sitting to my right, who was now clearing her throat rather loudly to catch my attention. I turned to face her and very nearly fell out my seat.

"Minerva?" I asked, studying the kind but firm face of the woman before me. She smiled and nodded and my eyebrows shot up. "I haven't seen you since...since you were this big!" I said, holding my hand about two feet off the ground. "It's lovely to see you! I wish I had known you were here, I have some photographs of your parents I wanted to give you!" I said, still marveling at how the small girl I had once known was now taller than I...then again, everyone seemed to be taller than me.

That's the side-effect of being stuck in a rather short 17 year old body.

I talked quietly with her and she introduced me to some of the other teachers who were to be my colleagues. I found that they were very welcoming....with the exception of the Divination teacher, Professor Trelawny I think. She seemed more scared of me than anyone had been in decades, despite my assurances that I didn't bite...much.

I was pleased to find my goblet refilled magically ever time I neared the bottom, so by the end of the feast, I was well fed. In fact, I was in such a good mood I even sampled a mint humbug or two. When all the plates had cleared the room became silent once more and Dumbledore stood.

"Since we are all now fed and watered," He began, his twinkling eyes glancing at me, "I should like to give some start of term notices. Firstly, this year a new rule has been put into issued due to current...circumstances. All students, yes, including seventh years, are not permitted to leave the castle without teacher supervision or written permission. You'd all do well to follow this rule unless you wish to suffer most horribly," He said, his eyes flashed in the direction of a small group of Gryiffindor fifth years. "Secondly, quidditch trials shall be held in three weeks time, please contact Madam Hooch for further information...And finally I'd like to introduce your newest teacher. Professor Aramath shall be your Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor. We are lucky she agreed to take the job on such short notice," I smiled and bowed my head graciously. Dumbledore clapped his hands together, "Now, before we go to bed let us sing the school song! Sing it with your favorite tune!" He said, waving his wand so that words magically appeared in the air.

"Prepare yourself," Severus whispered in my ear. I frowned, wondering what he meant. I soon found out when every pupil in the place began belting out the words to vairous tunes and styles. Many were off key and they all finished at different times...my sensitive hearing was suffering so that I couldn't even identify the words spoken. I hissed, shutting my eyes tightly in pain but ignored it, knowing the horrible noise would end soon enough. I was acutely aware that my fangs had lowered as a natural reaction and I clamped my mouth shut so they wouldn't be visible. They retracted finally when the last few voices finished off...mush to my relief.

"Ahhh...the beauty of music...Right then, off to bed!" Dumbledore said, wiping a tear form his eye. I too had tears in my eyes, though my tears were not of admiration at the previous din. Us teachers left first and Dumbledore was kind enough to show me to my quarters himself. The room was spacious and I discovered the bathroom attached was much nicer than I had expected of a castle this old. My bags were sitting on my queen sized bed and I mentally congratulated myself for the idea of sending my bags in yesterday.

I sighed as I tested the hot water tap on in the large marble bath, It's feet were gold and shaped like talons...very extravagant for a teachers room...not that I'm complaining. I observed my class timetable that Mirivina had given me and was pleased to find I would be giving my first lessons the next morning first thing. A joint class with the Fifth years...Gryffindor and Slytherin...I groaned.

Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

rating - awful, af - wandless magic (child mastery), ac - wandless magic (not children), om - muggle technology (bmw like), ct - vampire (full)

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