(no subject)

Jan 16, 2013 14:50

This entry was send in by MC. A note to the minions, if I ever need to clarify something in the entry do let me know. There are days that what I write makes perfect sense to myself, but not to anyone else. I'm also learning quite a bit ever since I replaced the Pottersues on how best to write the entries. I had to do very little writing with this entry though as the Suethor's own writing says a good deal of it best.

TITLE: Isabella Ambrose Marie Pandora
PERPETRATOR: lyssmcgrath
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer's avatar, which is I assume a picture of themselves.

FULL NAME: Isabella Ambrose Marie Swan/Pandora.
HAIR: “long raven colored hair”
EYES: “electric blue eyes”
MARKINGS: “I'm 12 years old and I'm about 5'4”.” “rose red lips. Even at my young age, I'm considered beautiful. As I get older and gain a womanly figure, I'm told I would exceed Aphrodite in beauty.” At first one then three tattoos of snakes that have imprinted on her.
POSSESSIONS: She made her own wand... see special abilities for this one. “I careful began constructing the core of my 13''inch black oak wood wand, entwined with both Goblin Gold at the base and tip then a mixture of the Gold and Silver swirling around the wand. I tried thinking of what material I wanted to create the core out of, when I came across a Phoenix, it was a beautiful blue color.” She owns the vaults of each family she is a noble of for the grand total of ten. Here worth from all ten vaults... 6,934,289,767 Galleons, 6,892,492 Sickles, and 3,994,075 Knuts. That means she's worth 69,832,462,324.43 American dollars or 34,673,516,546.39 Pounds. This doesn't include the priceless treasures either. The number is already ridiculous, so I am not going to bother calculating it anymore. She has some major investments that means she owns most, if not all the shares for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Ireland National Team, Gringotts Bank, Flourish and Blotts, Daily Prophet, St Mungos, Slytherin Potions, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Borgin's & Burkes. Her holdings amount to. She has a Ravenclaw Mansion located in Wales, a Griffindor Mansion located in Devon, a Hufflepuff Mansion located in Scotland (best not to ask on this one), a Slytherin Mansion located in Ireland (again... don't ask), and two mansions in London, the Pandora and LeStrange places. She also has a Cottage in Dublin, Ireland and an appartment in Florence Itally, a villa in Fiji and one final mansion in St Petersburg. Guess which family she inherited that from. She also owns Raven Island and the Tuscany Vineyards. Best of all, she has a grand total of forty-five House Elves. Oh, and “I sent down the letter and opened the box. Inside was a golden Locket with an extra long chain so that when I put it on, it reached my waist.” How she found it in the vault with all the other stuff I do not know.
CONNECTION TO CANON: She is taken in by the Malfoy family. She then makes her own wand using a feather from a Pheonix named Skye who randomly shows up. She then finds out that she is heir to Slytherin, Merlin, Romanov, Pnadora and Peverell. She's also a nobel of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Griffindor and LeStrange on top of this. She then has a flashback to a week before her parents died. Truth be told, there really is no plot to this.
ORIGIN: “Born on September 13, 1986 to two Loyal and High Ranking Death Eaters, Veronica and Henry Pandora.” And... “Unfortunately for Isabella, her parents were killed by the Order when she was 4. She was sent to live with her parent's closest friends, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.” “Fast forward in time, Isabella was selected for Muggle Studies during her 4th and 5th years (Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix). First she was sent to live with Charlie and Renee in Phoenix, Az but when she gets there she finds out that they were divorced and Renee is now married to another squib named Phil. She stays in Phoenix for about 7 months before asking to live with Charlie. Renee asks Charlie if it was alright and he agreed. She is sent to Forks, WA to live with Charlie Swan, squib. Kai has to stay with the Malfoy's. Before she was sent there, Dumbledore places a special block on her magic, and so without magic what can go wrong? *Hint hint*” She's pretty much the ultimate spy for Voldemort.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “ She is an extremely gifted witch & at the age 12, before even going to a school, she already surpasses the greatest Witches & Wizards of all time.” “To keep Isabella out of the Orders hands, Narcissa and Lucius agree to keep Isabella's existence a secret until her 11th birthday.” “By the age of 8, she is an illegal Animagus (Horse-size raven colored wolf with electric blue eyes) and she is also a Metamorphmagus. She also mastered Occlumency and Legilimency She meets her first friend, Kai, he is a 3 ft long, Black Spotted Snake. Along with her magic, she is a Parseltongue. Kai and Isabella have conversations together and when they want to go anywhere together, Kai, imprints himself onto Isabella's skin, like a tattoo.” Eventually, she imprints two other snakes onto her body named Astra and Naomi “ She even created her own wand, using a Phoenix feather, some blood, tears, ashes and mixed with her own blood.” According to the Sorting Hat, “Maybe the most powerful witch ever in existence.”

NOTES: Bella is selected for Muggle Studies at age fifteen, but the last time I checked one started that class at age thirteen to fourteen. Apparently the writer seems to think that Muggle Studies involves going and living as a Muggle, which it does not. I'm also not understanding the need for keeping Isabella secret from the order when Voldemort is thought to be dead by people like the Malfoy family. I also wonder why Voldemort needs a spy when she pretty much has enough money to control the entire Ministry of Magic for the UK. There are two things to note. First, this story was adopted out. Second, normally this kind of story would be getting a ton of negative reviews because it is so obviously a Mary Sue. Well... as we've seen in the past with the Twilight crossovers featured... the Twilight fans are rather clueless.


My name is Isabella Ambrose Marie Pandora. I'm 12 years old and I'm about 5'4'', with long raven colored hair, electric blue eyes and rose red lips. Even at my young age, I'm considered beautiful. As I get older and gain a womanly figure, I'm told I would exceed Aphrodite in beauty. I am a pureblood witch about to begin school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There are a few things you should know about me and my past.

My life has never been simple or normal. A little over 2 years after I was born, a child named, Harry Potter, who was only one at the time, had "defeated" The Dark Lord. After the fall of the Dark Lord, the Order, a group of Witches and Wizards that fight against the Dark Lord, decided to kill or arrest any Death Eater, the followers of the Dark Lord, that they came across.

Two years later, when I was four, my parents, Veronica and Henry Pandora, were killed by the Order. Both my parents were loyal and highly ranked Death Eaters. No one but my parents and their close friends, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy who were also Death Eaters, knew that I existed. They took me in and raised me as if I was their own daughter. They already had a son, Draco. I was a year older and we became close. He was my little brother in every way except blood. He couldn't say "Isabella" so he called me Ella and I called him Dray.

Lucius decided to start teaching Dray and I magic when I turned five. I had began reading when I was three years old and I had already began showing signs of having magic, when my hair would change colors that matched whatever mood I was in. As he began to teach us, I learned that I was a Metamorphmagus. This came in handy whenever we all went out as a family or had guests over, I had to change my appearance so I looked like I was their daughter.

We continued my teaching and Lucius helped my practice both my Occlumency and Legilimency. It didn't take me long to master those either. By the time I was 7 years old, I was reading six books a day about all types of magic; including, The Dark Arts, Curses, Dark Magic, types of supernatural creatures, wand making, etc... I once read a book all about Animagi, Witches and Wizards who can take a form of any animal.

When I asked Lucius if he was an Animagus, he said that he wasn't because it take years of concentration to actually achieve an animal form. So whenever I had free time, which wasn't often, I would concentrate on an animal I wanted to shift into. I chose a wolf; this wolf was horse-sized and had raven colored fur and blue eyes, which matches my regular "human" appearance. I finally was able to shit after 4 months of meditating (it was Cissa who suggested this) and concentrating. It shocked Lucius and Cissa when I showed them what I could do. I could tell Lucius was proud of me and my accomplishments, he said that I would be the most powerful Witch ever alive.

ac - metamorphmagus, rating - toxic, ap - acting pursuit, related to the lestranges, p - crossover

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