It is time to announce the winner of Pottersues Annual Fanfic Contest.
he Dark Descendants by Cyan-n-Magenta - 50/15 plus 3 negative reviews - includes, “cliche #2 canon-Sue daughter of Voldemort; cliche #4 time turners; cliche #6 creature fic; cliche #8 makeovers, and many more not on the list.”
Every Story is a Love Story by Latasha LeRon - 6/6 - includes, “3. Sue From Our World Enters The Potterverse, 4. Timer Turners Make For Excellent Sues, 7. Dumbledore the Matchmaker, 9. You ARE the father!”
Energize by evilplotbunnies - 4/5 (unless you wish to count the review that positively identifies the fanfic as a troll fic as a positive review, then it is 5/5) - includes “a crossover, sue from our world pulled into the potterverse and a time turner accident.
Follow the Light - n/a (deleted) - This one featured 3. Sue from our world enters the Potterverse, 5. Marriage Law Challenge, 7. Dumbledore the Matchmaker, 9. You ARE the father.
As I said before, I can't afford any sort of prize. However, this was also announced before the site admins implemented the cover art for fanfics. If the entrants for the 2012 contest don't mind, I would like to suggest a fanfic contest for making fanfic cover art for the three top fanfics where the minions submit cover art that is of a 2/3 ratio that is at least 300x450 pixil wise. They would need to be turned in at the Pottersues group over at DA, but the winners get to pick the one they like the most to use. Due date would be March 31st. Even if they don't agree, I invite the minions to create cover art for the older Sue fics and submit it to the group.
Note - There have been times that Pottersues has missed an entry. If you sent me an e-mail, drop me another e-mail with the subject [missed contest entry] so I can find the missing e-mail.