(no subject)

Nov 18, 2012 23:54

Here is day to of Cheatin' Heart Week

TITLE: The Two Halves of Hermione
PERPETRATOR: rileypotter17
COVER/BANNER ART: A picture of movie Hermione, movie Sirius and movie Remus

FULL NAME: Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasly, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
SPECIES: So not the canon characters.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Hermione has “ a pair of tight black cropped sweat pants and a teal tank top”
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story opens up with Ginny and Harry sympathizing with Hermione because Ron cheated on her after six years. She has loads of angst because “I had everything planned. Our kids' names, the wedding.” They offer to let her stay with them at their place. She then has more angst because “Most of their friends were married. Or had new babies.” So they suggest staying with Sirius and Remus and she has angst about intruding on their bachelor pad. But she finally gives in. Sirius comes up with the idea to bet which one of them will sleep with her first. Turns out Sirius wins the bet as he's doing her in chapter three. She then runs off on him despite leaving her stuff and Harry tells her that she needs to get herself checked out because “the man has slept with every woman in London”. Remus is doing her in chapter six. I think the minions can get the gist of what is going on.
ORIGIN: We have another story where Ron is cheating on Hermione. Hermione is the Professor of Ancient Runes.



"I don't know what to do Harry, it's been 6 years…6 whole years…" Hermione was choking back sobs the best she could manage. It was a pretty Saturday in London, and she never expected such a beautiful day like this would end up so ugly.

"If it makes you feel any better, I told Ron he was a right prat," Harry tried his best to console her. He adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose as his new wife, Ginny Weasley came back into their living room and handed Hermione a cup of tea.

"My brother is an arse," Ginny said softly. It had been 6 years since the battle at Hogwarts, 6 years since Voldemort was gone. And 6 years since Hermione and Ron started dating.

"I had everything planned. Our kids' names, the wedding. I hoped…" she bit her lip to stop some tears, "I just can't believe he would cheat. I don't even know the girl. I don't…"

She was inconsolable. Ginny rubbed her friend's shoulders lightly and Harry tried to tell some poorly timed jokes that did anything but brighten her sullen mood.

"He said I could stay in the apartment with him, but of course I can't! I can't put myself through that torture every day!" she groaned. She had packed her things last night when he had told her he had been cheating on her for a few months. Her bags were waiting and ready to go, but she didn't have enough money saved to put anything down on an apartment so soon. She just hadn't expected it.

stu - remus lupin, rating - awful, stu - sirius black, stu - ronald weasley, sue - hermione granger

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