(no subject)

Oct 08, 2012 22:46

Here is the last day of Vampire Week. And yes... I do realize that ZenoNoKyuubi has some other interesting Harry Potter fanfics. I'll hold off until I post another one though.

TITLE: The clever Vampiricelf (What?)
PERPETRATOR: Platinum Puppeteer- The Shadow
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar. I think it is a self portrait taken so that they are completely blacked out.

FULL NAME: Harry Potter
SPECIES: Vampiricelf, which is a vampire and elf hybrid, the first in 900 years
HAIR: “ the other thing he noticed was that his hair now reached above his butt and it was now white with green mixed into it”
EYES: “his green eyes now had a silver tint to them reminding him of slytherin colors,”
MARKINGS: “he had grown by seven inches, he was now 6'4 much more taller then his measly 5'7 stature” “his round face was now curved at all the right angles much like an aristocratic , his lips were now fuller and he vaguely saw a tattoo with a basilisk wrapped around a bird type creature on his neck” “ he wasn't wearing any glasses and he could see clearly”
POSSESSIONS: a ring, a magical block on his birth canal
CONNECTION TO CANON: He's Harry Potter and his mate is Draco. (Even says it in the summary, that and this fanfic will contain mpreg.) He apparently has come into his inheritance. He then for some strange reason drinks Snape's blood and then gets a birthday cake. We then come to a flashback where Harry lets Tom kill Ginny and he tries to use leglimancy on her despite the fact he doesn't know what it is and she is dead. He then gets bit by Tom along with being kissed, which Harry giggles about after remembering. He then finds out that Black, Lupin, Snape and Lucius were his guardians. Reading his dead parents and Sirius' letters he begins to cry... and then I don't get the whole inheritance stuff that is given us. He then finds out that Dumbledore, Minerva, Molly, Dolores and Fudge placed illegal blocks on him and they are sentenced to unreasonable lengths of torture... the shortest is five thousand years. I am stopping here.
ORIGIN: For some reason Harry died by falling down the stairs and two days later he comes back as a vampire and completely freaks the Dursley family out.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “Harry's eyes widened and he sat down in the couch next to him, now that he thought about it, it did make sense how he could barely feel his heart beat, how he got out of the box quickly and his new height and looks; Everyone knew of the prejudice against half-breeds and him for one was different than that, he didn't care what breed anyone was because he believed in equal rights and now that he was one of them he kind of understood what they went through and he vowed to himself that he would try and change it.”

NOTES: Yes... they are a Twilight fan. They are also depressed with the number of reviews they are getting on their stories.


Harry woke with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he turned to the side only to feel a hard surface beneath him, he felt around it and came to the conclusion that he was in something akin to a box, he kicked out only to freeze when his feet kicked air instead of the bottom of the box. He slid down a bit and and three slides down his feet hit one of the sides of the container, he could now tell that it was longer than him and he spread his arms and lots of space where still there so he guessed that it was also wider, trying to get out of the box he moved too fast and his head knocked against the top of the box, instead of hurting like he thought, he didn't feel anything; He was now confused, he decided to re-valuate his surroundings again but this time he used his tongue, he locked upwards even though he couldn't see anything, he opened his mouth and hesitantly sent his tongue out, he almost jumped when his tongue came in contact with metal.

Harry now knew that the box was metal, wide and long, the only conclusion that he could come up with was that this must be one of his uncle's prototype storage box's, he had the same sinking feeling in his gut but he chose not to dwell on it and instead tried to get his was out of the box, he lent his head back against the floor of the box and pushed his foot out, trying to kick his way out, surprising even himself, he heard a creak in the metal and did not dwell on the fact that he could make that but instead two more kicks later, the cover flew off the box and an avalanche of sand came hurdling down on him, not wanting to be buried alive again by sand, he immediately flew out even before the sand was completely inside.

Harry stared at the now sand infested box with open eyes, 'H-how d-did i do that?' he questioned himself knowing that he would not receive an answer, he turned around towards the house and decide to question the dursleys about what had happened. Looking around now that he thought about it, he was buried in his aunt petunia's garden, ' Could anything get even more weird.' he thought wryly.
He continued his trek towards the house, only speeding up when he heard voices floating from the kitchen, he walked through the opened door and saw his aunt and uncle arguing while dudley was standing by the side looking on at them dumbly, ' no surprise there.' he muttered lowly. He decided to ask his aunt and uncle what had happened, " aunt petunia, what's going on?" by the sound of his voice both his aunt and uncle stopped arguing and turned towards him with wide eyes.

Surprisingly or not, his aunt was the first to break the silence with a banshee like screech causing him to wince openly at the intensity, " H-how is this possible? you're not suppose to be alive, it can't be." Right about now harry thought he might laugh if not for the confused thoughts rolling around in his head, his aunt, uncle and cousin looked as white as bed sheets, their faces were giving off the emotions of shock, terror and disbelief. ' i wonder what brought this on, they had never looked at me like that before.' harry was now as confused as ever, not knowing what was going he decided to voice his question again but was immediately cut off when they decided to talk.

"That's not possible," aunt Petunia croaked out. "You died two days ago, I saw you. You fell down the stairs, you're supposed to be dead."

' Dead? two days ago? stairs? what the hell was going on?' he thought confusedly.

pb - temporary uters, ct - vampire (part), rating - toxic, ct - elf (part), stu - harry potter, pw - ron the death eater

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